| 22.12.2024 21:17 Gouvernement Bayrou : Fran?ois-No?l Buffet (LR) esp?re un projet politique, Thomas M?nag? (RN) nentend pas renoncer ? la censure Invit? dimanche du Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro-M6-Public S?nat, le ministre d?missionnaire des Outre-mer consid?re que son sort personnel na aucune esp?ce dimportance. Alors que la nomination du gouvernement tarde ? venir, il appelle ? une continuit? dans les territoires ultramarins. 22.12.2024 21:17 Coupe de France : Auxerre chute, lOM ?trille Saint-?tienne, Monaco brise le r?ve des amateurs de Saint-Jean et Rennes calme Bordeaux Domin? par Dunkerque (1-0), Auxerre est la seule ?quipe de Ligue 1 affrontant une formation de niveau inf?rieur ? ?tre tomb?e en 32es de finale. 22.12.2024 21:25 Winter weather interrupts some holiday weekend travel Record holiday travel is expected in the U.S. this year, with the weekend before Christmas projected to be one of the busiest times for transit. 22.12.2024 21:39 Magdeburg Christmas market attack: authorities received warnings about suspect German government to investigate whether more could have been done to prevent car-ramming that killed fiveThe German government has vowed to investigate whether a Christmas market car attack that killed five people and injured 200 could have been prevented after it emerged that authorities had received multiple warnings about the suspect.Amid mounting criticism of Germanys security apparatus, the interior minister, Nancy Faeser, said on Sunday the heads of the domestic and foreign intelligence services would be questioned by two parliamentary committees next week Continue reading... ... 22.12.2024 21:40 Peter Mandelson has to become most important voice, says ex-ambassador Kim Darroch says Trumps second term will be like a 24/7 bar-room brawl and Mandelson needs thick skinPeter Mandelson will need to make his the most important voice in Donald Trumps ear when the US president-elect returns to the White House next month if he is to best represent Britains interests with the potentially chaotic administration, one of his predecessors has said.Kim Darroch, who was the UKs ambassador to Washington for four years from 2016, said Lord Mandelson would also need a thick skin to weather regular attacks such as that by a key Trump campaign adviser calling him an absolute moron after his appointment. Continue reading... ... 22.12.2024 21:56 Cest un moment d?mentiel: comment les Jeux olympiques ont chang? la vie de L?on Marchand LES JEUX DE PARIS 2024 ONT CHANG? LEUR VIE (1/10) - Quatre m?dailles dor ont propuls? le nageur au sommet. Apr?s les JO, la c?l?brit? sest brutalement abattue sur le jeune ph?nom?ne. 22.12.2024 21:57 Le roi et la reine dEspagne font une nouvelle visite surprise dans la r?gion de Valence, sur les lieux des inondations Le roi Felipe VI, la reine Letizia et leurs deux enfants se sont rendus ce dimanche dans la commune de Catarroja o? 25 personnes avaient trouv? la mort dans les inondations doctobre. 22.12.2024 22:00 Key warning signs about bird flu are all going in the wrong direction The bird flu outbreak has taken concerning turns, with more than 60 human cases confirmed. Experts outlined four signs that the virus is going in the wrong direction. 22.12.2024 22:00 Tottenham v Liverpool: Premier League live Premier League updates from the 4.30pm GMT kick-off Get in touch! You can email Rob with your thoughts hereEverton 0-0 ChelseaFulham 0-0 SouthamptonLeicester 0-3 WolvesManchester United 0-3 BournemouthThis is the updated league table. Continue reading... ... 22.12.2024 22:04Russias Putin pledges destruction on Ukraine after Kazan drone attack Russia accuses Ukraine of 'massive' drone attack that hit luxury apartment in city, some 1,000km from the frontier. 22.12.2024 22:11 Weihnachtsfilme 2024: Wo die Klassiker im TV und Streaming laufen Alle Jahre wieder: Wo und wie Sie diese Weihnachten mit Familie Hoppenstedt, Aschenbr?del oder Jude Law verbringen. Eine ... 22.12.2024 22:19 Volkswagen: Zehn Prozent weniger Einkommen f?r 4000 VW-Manager Nach den Arbeitnehmern wird auch von Volkswagens F?hrungskr?ften ein Beitrag zum Sparplan erwartet. Details dazu stehen laut einem ... 22.12.2024 22:23What Googles quantum computing breakthrough Willow means for the future of bitcoin and other cryptos Google's new chip Willow made a big statement that quantum computing is coming to the real world. That could also mean a future of cryptocurrency hacking. 22.12.2024 22:24 Magdeburg: Innenministerin Faeser dr?ngt auf Beschl?sse zur inneren Sicherheit Sobald zur Tat in Magdeburg mehr Hintergr?nde klar seien, werde man daraus Schl?sse ziehen, sagt Innenministerin Faeser dem ... 22.12.2024 22:35 Liga : auteur dune grande partition, Mbapp? guide le Real Madrid face ? S?ville Kylian Mbapp? ?tait partout ce dimanche apr?s-midi lors de la large victoire du Real Madrid face ? S?ville (4-2). Le Fran?ais a notamment inscrit une merveille de but. 22.12.2024 22:40 Biden, to the very last, follows Netanyahu The US president persists in his effectively unconditional support for the Israeli prime minister, even after Donald Trump's election, writes Jean-Pierre Filiu in his column. 22.12.2024 22:41 Ukraine-Krieg: Russland meldet Drohnenangriff auf Kasan im Landesinneren Nach einem Drohnenangriff auf die Stadt Kasan in Zentralrussland droht Pr?sident Putin mit Vergeltung. Kyjiw ?u?erte sich zun?chst ... 22.12.2024 23:05 Slowakei: Robert Fico besucht Wladimir Putin im Kreml Kremlchef Wladimir Putin hat einen ?berraschungsgast aus der Europ?ischen Union empfangen. Aus der Slowakei reiste ... 22.12.2024 23:15 Letter Calling for Tracking People of Color Circulates in an Oregon County The letter, distributed in Lincoln County, Ore., tells community members to report people who may be undocumented, the sheriffs office said. 22.12.2024 23:24 Bootsraser im Visier: Tempo- und Promillegrenzen im Schiffsverkehr - SPIEGEL TV f?r Arte Re: Manche Freizeitkapit?ne ignorieren auf dem Wasser s?mtliche Verkehrsregeln. In Italien und Kroatien wird nach schweren ... 22.12.2024 23:25Expelled from Aleppo as children, these fighters returned as its liberators Al Jazeera speaks to Syrian opposition fighters who came back to liberate their homes and pursue their dreams. 22.12.2024 23:27 Rome : la fontaine de Trevi rouvre apr?s un nettoyage et contingente les touristes Lacc?s au monument romain sera d?sormais limit? ? 400 visiteurs ? la fois afin de permettre ? tous de profiter au mieux de la fontaine, a annonc? le maire de la capitale italienne. 22.12.2024 23:35 Serbien: Tausende Studierende demonstrieren in Belgrad gegen Regierung Auch Wochen nach dem Einsturz eines Bahnhofsdachs in Serbien, der 15 Todesopfer forderte, sind Tausende Studierende auf die Stra?e ... 22.12.2024 23:39Turkiye FM meets Syrias new leader, calls for lifting of global sanctions Meeting comes two days after Turkiye's Erdogan says his minister will visit Damascus to discuss new structure in Syria. 22.12.2024 23:42Trump threatens to retake control of the Panama Canal unless a deal is reached President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday accused Panama of charging excessive rates for use of the Panama Canal. 22.12.2024 23:45 Basel: H?here Parkgeb?hren nach Fahrzeugl?nge ab 2025 Die Schweizer Grenzstadt Basel m?chte weniger geparkte Autos auf ihren Stra?en sehen. Neue Geb?hren sollen besonders Pendler und ... 23.12.2024 0:11 Sarah Connor bezeichnet Freilassung von Walsch?tzer Paul Watson als sch?nstes Weihnachtsgeschenk Die deutsche S?ngerin Sarah Connor hat in den vergangenen Wochen f?r die Freilassung von Paul Watson demonstriert. Dieser ist nach ... 23.12.2024 0:13US army says two navy pilots shot down over Red Sea in friendly fire Incident not result of 'hostile fire', says US military, as Houthis claim their attack on US carrier downed aircraft. 23.12.2024 0:17 Turquie : neuf personnes arr?t?es pour avoir manifest? pour deux journalistes tu?s en Syrie 23.12.2024 0:20 Bundesliga: Borussia Dortmund beendet Jahr 2024 mit Sieg beim VfL Wolfsburg In Wolfsburg erfuhr die BVB-Saison ihren bislang schwersten Knick. Bei der R?ckkehr in die Autostadt gelang die Wiedergutmachung. ... 23.12.2024 0:24 China contemplates allowing seafood imports from Japan - Nikkei Asia 23.12.2024 0:25 Eagles QB Jalen Hurts ruled out vs. Commanders with concussion Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts was ruled out of his team's matchup against the Washington Commanders on Sunday after suffering a concussion. Страницы: 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 |