| 25.11.2024 21:42UniCredit offers to buy rival Italian lender Banco BPM for $10.5 billion Italian lender UniCredit says its offer for domestic rival Banco BPM is separate from its pursuit of German bank Commerzbank.25.11.2024 21:43Pakistan�s capital in lockdown as Imran Khan supporters protest Supporters of ex-Pakistani Prime Minister Iman Khan are descending on Islamabad to demand his release from prison.25.11.2024 21:45European stocks close higher as global markets rally; UniCredit falls 5% after making offer for Banco BPM European stocks were slightly higher Monday as global market sentiment rises.25.11.2024 21:45Marseille : un commando arm? ouvre le feu dans un garage INFO LE FIGARO - ?quip? d�une arme de poing, le trio de malfaiteurs a fait irruption dans le garage en mena?ant les employ?s avant d�incendier des pneus. Une enqu?te a ?t? confi?e ? la Division de la criminalit? territoriale.25.11.2024 21:48�GNX� Review: Kendrick Lamar Heads Back to His Comfort Zone on Surprise Album After a war of words with Drake that yielded one of the biggest hits of Lamar�s career, the Los Angeles rapper is eager to shift back on his sixth album.25.11.2024 21:50Val d�Oise : Bruno Retailleau apporte son soutien aux fid?les de la Basilique Saint-Denys d�Argenteuil vandalis?e La basilique, qui abrite la relique de la Saint Tunique du Christ, a ?t? la cible de plusieurs actes de vandalisme ces derni?res semaines. Deux adolescents ont ?t? interpell?s il y a dix jours, alors que les exactions inqui?tent les fid?les.25.11.2024 21:52Thailand auto output target cut for a second time - Nikkei Asia 25.11.2024 21:52Studium: Warum gute Noten l?ngst nicht so wichtig sind, wie man denkt Ich bin an einer Pr?fung gescheitert. Zuerst lie? mich das direkt an meiner Studienwahl zweifeln. Dann habe ich gemerkt: Noten ... 25.11.2024 21:55An A.I. Granny Is Phone Scammers� Worst Nightmare Daisy Harris, an A.I.-generated English granny, has been stymying scammers with meandering, time-wasting conversations. But can she actually make a dent in the flood of fraud?25.11.2024 22:01Nice : Magali Berdah relax?e dans une affaire de banqueroute et blanchiment Lors du proc?s fin septembre, le parquet avait requis de la prison ferme contre la �papesse des influenceurs�.25.11.2024 22:02Gornik Zabrze: Lukas Podolski nach brutalen Fouls und abf?lliger Geste in der Kritik �Spielfeld-Schl?ger�, �Idiot�, �Antiheld�: Lukas Podolski muss nach dem Sieg in einem polnischen Lokalderby heftige Kritik ... 25.11.2024 22:06Japan's NYK Line eyes world's largest ship recycling operation - Nikkei Asia 25.11.2024 22:06UAE Arrests 3 in Connection With Murder of Israeli Rabbi Israeli authorities say the abduction and killing of Rabbi Zvi Kogan was an act of antisemitic terrorism, but investigators have not yet stated a motive.25.11.2024 22:07News des Tages: Gewalt gegen Frauen, Gis?le Pelicot, Crash bei Vilnius, Thyssenkrupp in der Krise Im Vergewaltigungsprozess von Avignon hadert die Staatsanwaltschaft mit dem Strafma?. Der Absturz eines Frachtflugzeugs wirft ... 25.11.2024 22:08Affaire Jegou-Auradou : l�audience de non-lieu se poursuivra ce mardi La juge en charge du dossier, qui examine la demande d�abandon des poursuites d?pos?e par les avocats des deux rugbymen fran?ais, inculp?s de viol aggrav?, veut entendre toutes les parties avant de rendre sa d?cision.25.11.2024 22:11Frankfurt: Tassen f?r Weihnachtsmarkt zur?ckgerufen Sie wurden eigens f?r diese Saison angefertigt. Doch kurz vor der Er?ffnung werden die neuen Tassen f?r den Frankfurter ... 25.11.2024 22:11Record de vent, arbres arrach?s et camions envol?s : la temp?te Bert passe sur Lyon Les stations m?t?o lyonnaises ont enregistr? des vents jusqu�? 125 km/h en ce lundi 25 novembre. Ils ont largement perturb? le trafic routier et ferroviaire, entre autres.25.11.2024 22:11If My Dying Daughter Could Face Her Mortality, Why Couldn�t the Rest of Us? A bereaved mother�s case against our grief-phobic culture.25.11.2024 22:14ArcelorMittal : l�intersyndicale confirme la fermeture des sites de Reims et Denain Cent douze personnes sont employ?es sur le site de Reims (Marne) et 24 sur celui de Denain (Nord), selon les syndicats, soit pr?s d�un quart du total des effectifs d�ArcelorMittal en France.25.11.2024 22:20Abgest?rzte DHL-Maschine in Litauen: Annalena Baerbock schlie?t Anschlag nicht aus Nach dem Absturz einer DHL-Frachtmaschine in Vilnius ermitteln Beh?rden in alle Richtungen. Au?enministerin Baerbock schlie?t ... 25.11.2024 22:20Trump�s Middle East Envoy Has Prior Ties to Oil-Rich Nations There Steve Witkoff�s involvement with two sovereign wealth funds as he bought and then sold Manhattan�s Park Lane Hotel demonstrates the potential conflicts his new role will present.25.11.2024 22:21M?t?o du mardi 26 novembre : le calme apr?s la temp?te Le temps redevient sec ce mardi apr?s un ?pisode pluvieux et venteux la veille. Cette accalmie n�emp?che pas les temp?ratures de baisser, qui sont toujours au-dessus des normales de saison.25.11.2024 22:24La centrale ? biomasse de Gardanne reprend du service INFO LE FIGARO. - Le spectre du ch?mage partiel s�?loigne pour la centaine de salari?s du site et plus de 600 sous-traitants.25.11.2024 22:25Luis Enrique avant Bayern-PSG : �On s�est compliqu? la t?che tout seuls� Le coach parisien a r?pondu aux questions des journalistes ce lundi, ? l�Allianz Arena, ? la veille du choc entre le club de la capitale et le Bayern Munich, en Ligue des champions.25.11.2024 22:27Benjamin Netanyahu: G7-Au?enminister diskutieren ?ber Haftbefehl f?r Israels Regierungschef Der Haftbefehl gegen Israels Regierungschef sorgt weiter f?r Debatten. Nun besch?ftigen sich auch die f?hrenden Industrienationen ... 25.11.2024 22:29R&B singer Ne-Yo enters professional boxing world as a manager It will be a familiar sight when three-time Grammy-winning artist Ne-Yo takes the stage at halftime of the Big 12 Championship game on Dec. 22:31France unveils new measures to combat violence against women The government has launched a new campaign to combat violence against women, which includes expanding the network of hospitals where victims can report incidents from 236 to 377 by the end of 2025.25.11.2024 22:31UN evacuation in Haiti, police assault stronghold of gang leader �Barbecue� Insecurity in Haiti is rising again, forcing embassies and UN agencies to evacuate capital amid gang-fuelled violence.25.11.2024 22:32Democrats Rush to Regroup in the Southern Battlegrounds With critical races in Georgia and North Carolina just two years away, the party is soul-searching on a time crunch.25.11.2024 22:33Father of missing Hawaii woman dies by suicide in L.A. The father of a missing Hawaii woman has died by suicide, the Los Angeles Police Department said.25.11.2024 22:35Tips for Food Safety Ahead of Thanksgiving Outbreaks of�some types�of food poisoning tend to rise in November and December, according to the CDC.25.11.2024 22:38Premier League: Ed Sheeran platzt in Live-Interview mit R?ben Amorim und bittet um Verzeihung Der britische Popstar Ed Sheeran ist Investor bei seinem Heimatklub Ipswich Town. Nach der Premier-League-Partie gegen Manchester ... Страницы: 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 |