| 24.10.2024 9:07Shiori Itos Searing Documentary Black Box Diaries to Open in U.S. Black Box Diaries, a documentary about Shiori Itos fight against Japans patriarchal justice system, opens on Friday in the United States.24.10.2024 9:08Harris Calls Trump a Fascist: 6 Takeaways From Her CNN Town Hall Entering new rhetorical territory, the vice president turned even unrelated questions into attacks on Donald Trump as she offered long, winding answers to questions from voters.24.10.2024 9:12Hong Kong unearths its first ever dinosaur fossils Official hails discovery of great significance on Port Island, with remains of as yet unknown species set to go on display in a shopping district on FridayHong Kong officials say they have discovered dinosaur fossils in the city for the first time, on a remote and uninhabited island.The fossils were part of a large dinosaur from the Cretaceous period, about 145m to 66m years ago, the government said in a statement. They will need to conduct further studies to confirm the species of the dinosaur. Continue reading... ... 24.10.2024 9:14News live: Albanese rejects Chinas claim that Australia plagued by systemic racism and hate crimes Follow todays news liveGet our breaking news email, free app or daily news podcastThe Rail, Tram and Bus Union of NSW (RTBU) conducted a five-minute work stoppage early this morning, which is leading to delays across the network.Sydney Trains says this has led to minor delays and larger than normal gaps in services may be experienced, according to an alert:Trains stops and platforms may change at short notice and some trains may be cancelled. Extra travel time may be experienced in some cases and you may need to change to continue your trip.The action was set to happen in select locations across the network to ensure we could ramp up stoppages whenever needed.The rail agencies continue to bargain in good faith with the Combined Rail Unions for a new enterprise bargaining agreement. Sydney Trains are working to minimise the disruption to commuters as much as possible. Continue reading... ... 24.10.2024 9:19Woman calls date with convicted cardiologist "Scariest day of my life" Stephen Matthews, a former Denver cardiologist who was convicted? over the summer of drugging 11 women and sexually assaulting nine of them, faces sentencing later this week.24.10.2024 9:21BREAKING NEWS: World boxing champion Inoue to fight top-ranked Goodman in Dec. BREAKING NEWS: World boxing champion Inoue to fight top-ranked Goodman in Dec.
==KyodoRead full story here24.10.2024 9:25Indian Canadians fear future as diplomatic ties hit rock bottom - Nikkei Asia 24.10.2024 9:38Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu spricht von angeblich verhinderter Hisbollah-Invasion Beim bisher heftigsten Angriff Israels auf den S?dlibanon wurden sechs Geb?ude zerst?rt, Feuer brach in der Nacht aus. Premier ... 24.10.2024 9:55Is Afghanistans Most-Wanted Militant Now Its Best Hope for Change? Sirajuddin Haqqani has tried to remake himself from blood-soaked jihadist to pragmatic Taliban statesman. Western diplomats are shocked and enticed.24.10.2024 9:59Des allerg?nes cach?s dans les lessives et produits dentretiens, alerte lUFC-Que Choisir Lassociation de consommateurs a test? 60 produits et trouv? des dizaines de substances allerg?nes non mentionn?es sur les ?tiquettes... Y compris dans des produits pr?sent?s comme hypoallerg?niques.24.10.2024 10:00Biodiversity declining even faster in protected areas, scientists warn Cop16 Just designating key areas will not meet 30x30 target on nature loss, study says, pointing to oil drilling in parksBiodiversity is declining more quickly within key protected areas than outside them, according to research that scientists say is a wake-up call to global leaders discussing how to stop nature loss at the UNs Cop16 talks in Colombia.Protecting 30% of land and water for nature by 2030 was one of the key targets settled on by world leaders in a landmark 2022 agreement to save nature and this month leaders are gathering again at a summit in the Colombian city of Cali to measure progress and negotiate new agreements to stop biodiversity loss. Continue reading... ... 24.10.2024 10:04Mettre Marseille sous tutelle, manque de courage : ces piques dAgresti-Roubache contre les ?lus marseillais qui ne passent pas Deux jours apr?s la publication dun rapport tr?s critique de la Cour des comptes sur le plan Marseille en grand dont elle avait la charge, lancienne secr?taire d?tat tacle s?v?rement la pr?sidente de la m?tropole, Martine Vassal, et le maire de Marseille, Beno?t Payan, dans la mise en ?uvre de ce plan.24.10.2024 10:07Harris teases court reform but offers few details in Pennsylvania town hall Democratic lawmakers have been slow to embrace calls for reform amid flagging public trust in highest judicial body.24.10.2024 10:095 ways Japan's elections are unique - Nikkei Asia 24.10.2024 10:15FDP unterstellt Robert Habeck Wahlkampf mithilfe seines Ministeriums Wirtschaftsminister Habeck will Deutschland mit einem Investitionsfonds aushelfen. Der Koalitionspartner FDP f?rchtet hingegen ... 24.10.2024 10:15Champions League: Pressestimmen zum Bayern-Debakel in Barcelona Eine Lektion von Ex-Trainer Hansi Flick und Torj?ger Robert Lewandowski: Der FC Bayern erlebt in Barcelona ein desastr?ses ... 24.10.2024 10:15Rum?nien pr?ft m?gliches Eindringen russischer Drohnen in Luftraum Bei Angriffen Russlands auf die Ukraine hat Rum?nien seltsame Flugobjekte an seiner Grenze gesichtet. Das Nato-Land schickte zwei ... 24.10.2024 10:19Want to know who will win the US election? Take a look at the stock market The S&P 500 has a strong track record of predicting the winner of US elections, but old rulebooks may no longer apply.24.10.2024 10:36Boeing-Besch?ftigte in den USA lehnen Tarifangebot ab Streik geht weiter Gerade erst hat Boeing mehr als sechs Milliarden Dollar Verlust verk?ndet. Gewerkschaftsmitglieder lehnten im Tarifstreit dennoch ... 24.10.2024 10:39Seven & i unveils 1.7-fold sales growth plan amid takeover pressure Japanese retail giant Seven & i Holdings Co. aims to increase its group sales 1.7-fold to over 30 trillion yen ($197 billion) by fiscal 2030, its president said Thursday, amid pressure to raise its corporate value following a renewed takeover bid from a Canadian rival.
The new goal, presented by Ryuichi Isaka at an online briefing for investors, will be a huge jump from the 17.7 trillion yen it posted in sales in the year ended February.
Read full story here24.10.2024 10:41Tatort: Ulrike Folkerts w?nscht ihrer Filmfigur Lena Odenthal ein sch?nes Ende Seit 35 Jahren ermittelt Ulrike Folkerts im Tatort als TV-Kommissarin Lena Odenthal. Das ist auch ein wenig irre, sagt die ... 24.10.2024 10:42Surfen in Portugal: Volle Str?nde, vermehrte Unf?lle was tun? Portugal hat sich zu einem der Surfhotspots Europas entwickelt. Doch cool finden das nicht alle: An manchen Str?nden wird es ... 24.10.2024 10:42Boeing workers vote to reject wage deal, extend strike Nearly two-thirds of workers reject offer that includes a 35 percent pay rise.24.10.2024 10:43B?cher, Kinder und Familie: Lesen und lesen lassen - Kolumne Die Jugend liest nicht mehr? Das ist Bl?dsinn. Wir Alten haben nur vergessen, worum es eigentlich geht: das gute Erz?hlen. 24.10.2024 10:43Les inondations des 17 et 18 octobre auraient co?t? entre 350 et 420 millions deuros La Caisse centrale de r?assurance (CCR) a ?tabli ce mercredi la facture des intemp?ries qui ont touch? une partie du territoire fran?ais les 17 et 18 octobre.24.10.2024 10:49What We Learned Talking to the Talibans Most Fearsome Leader Sirajuddin Haqqani, who has a $10 million American bounty on his head, is now positioning himself as a figure of relative moderation.24.10.2024 10:55Sodexo profite des JO avec un b?n?fice net annuel en hausse de plus de 30% Le groupe de restauration rapide a largement b?n?fici? des Jeux olympiques mais aussi de la Coupe du monde de rugby. Sans ces ?v?nements, sa croissance organique aurait ?t? de 7,5%, selon lentreprise.24.10.2024 10:56Weihnachtsb?ume kosten dieses Jahr minimal mehr Alle Jahre wieder beginnt vor Weihnachten der Run auf die Tanne. Die Preise sind gestiegen, aber moderat. 24.10.2024 10:58US-Wahl 2024 Bob Woodward: Es gibt eine geheime Allianz zwischen Trump und Putin Bob Woodward deckte einst den Watergate-Skandal auf, bis heute enth?llt er Details aus dem Wei?en Haus. Hier sagt er, wie nah die ... 24.10.2024 10:59Pr?s dun musulman sur deux est confront? ? des discriminations en Europe, selon un rapport Les femmes portant des v?tements religieux, principalement un voile islamique, seraient davantage confront?es ? la discrimination raciale que celles qui n'en portent pas.24.10.2024 10:592024 MLS Cup: Playoffs, schedule, brackets, Messi, teams, players, final What's the difference between the Supporters' Shield and the MLS Cup? Which teams have qualified? Al Jazeera explains.24.10.2024 11:01Champions League: FC Bayern M?nchen verliert 1:4 in Barcelona - Risiken und Nebenwirkungen Der FC Bayern wagte in Barcelona und gegen seinen Ex-Trainer Flick viel und verlor hoch. Auf Kritik an der riskanten M?nchner ... Страницы: 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 |