| 20.09.2024 21:16Vichy : une rue rebaptis?e Samuel Paty en pr?sence des parents du professeur assassin? Les parents de l'enseignant assassin? en octobre 2020 par un islamiste radicalis? ont paru touch?s par cet hommage, quelques instants apr?s la lecture du po?me Libert? de Paul Eluard par les ?l?ves de l?cole primaire locale.20.09.2024 21:16Marseille : une subvention de 130.000 euros ? SOS M?diterran?e enflamme le conseil municipal Ce vendredi, le conseil municipal de Marseille a vot? lattribution dune subvention ? lONG qui vient en aide aux migrants en mer. Sans LR ni le RN, farouchement oppos?s ? cette d?lib?ration.20.09.2024 21:17Les Bourses mondiales en recul apr?s les records de la veille Les march?s ont repris leur souffle au lendemain de leuphorie suscit?e par la premi?re baisse des taux de la Fed depuis 2020.20.09.2024 21:20
Hezbollah device attacks show loss of control after export -
Nikkei Asia
TOKYO -- The reported link between a Japanese manufacturer and the walkie-talkies used by Hezbollah fighters that exploded this week in Lebanon underscores the difficulty companies face in keeping their products from being used for military or terrorist activities.The devices were labeled with the logo of Icom, which said Thursday that "it is not possible to confirm whether the product shipped from our company."20.09.2024 21:24She dreamed of a second child but now says a little white pill cost her a son Jennifer Nosek alleges in a complaint that midwife Heather Baker gave her a "homeopathic" that was actually the drug misoprostol shortly before her son's death.20.09.2024 21:27Cambriolage au domicile du chef cuisinier Jean-Fran?ois Pi?ge : cinq mineurs mis en examen Cinq individus s'?taient introduits en janvier dernier au domicile du chef ?toil? alors que la nourrice de la famille se trouvait sur place. Apr?s lui avoir attach? les poignets et lavoir menac?e avec un couteau, ils s?taient enfuis avec un butin ?valu? ? 150.000 euros.20.09.2024 21:33Belfort : un adolescent de 16 ans ?crou? pour plusieurs viols sur des jeunes filles Les victimes, ?g?es de 14 ? 18 ans, connaissaient leur agresseur, a indiqu? le procureur de la R?publique.20.09.2024 21:33Spanish enclave of Ceuta under pressure from Moroccan migrants wishing to reach Europe Following Sunday's attempt, another mass border crossing is planned for September 30, organized on social media. These crossings now primarily involve Moroccan nationals, whereas until now they were mainly attempted by sub-Saharan migrants.20.09.2024 21:36GE Vernova May Cut 900 Offshore Wind Jobs as It Scales Back The company, a spinoff from General Electric, has been plagued by financial losses in its wind unit and, more recently, accidents involving the failure of turbine blades.20.09.2024 21:36Who Is Ibrahim Aqeel, the Hezbollah Commander Targeted by Israel? The senior leader, who survived multiple assassination attempts, has been sought by the United States for bombings in the 1980s. Here is a closer look.20.09.2024 21:39Constellation Energy to restart Three Mile Island nuclear plant, sell the power to Microsoft for AI Constellation described the agreement with Microsoft as the largest power purchase agreement that the nuclear plant operator has ever signed. 20.09.2024 21:45Fridays for Future: Tausende bei Demonstrationen f?r Klimaschutz Berlin, M?nchen, Hamburg, K?ln: In mehr als hundert St?dten haben Tausende Menschen beim globalen Klimastreik mitgemacht. ... 20.09.2024 21:48While Brad Pitt and George Clooney Settle Into Silver-Fox Charm, Their Female Peers Are the True Stars of the Season While Brad Pitt and George Clooney settle into silver-fox charm in 'Wolfs,' Nicole Kidman, Demi Moore, Julianne Moore, and Tilda Swinton are digging much deeper.20.09.2024 21:51SPD-Abgeordnete Maja Wallstein in Brandenburg: Mit dem Bollerwagen gegen den Scholz-Frust F?r die Sozialdemokraten h?ngt viel an der Brandenburg-Wahl. Der Druck, vor der AfD zu landen, ist riesig. SPD-Wahlk?mpfer erleben ... 20.09.2024 21:52Val-de-Marne : un accident de bus fait au moins 11 bless?s, ? Santeny Le bus a d?vi? de sa trajectoire et percut? une camionnette qui circulait en sens inverse, avant de finir sa route dans un b?timent, vide de tout occupant.20.09.2024 21:57What We Know About Kamala Harris Gun Ownership Kamala Harris told Oprah Winfrey that anyone who breaks into her home would be getting shot."20.09.2024 22:00Amazon, Meta und Co. und Datenschutz: Wie FTC-Chefin Lina Khan der Techbranche den Kampf ansagt Die US-Aufsichtsbeh?rde FTC prangert den Datenhunger der IT-Riesen als Gefahr f?r die Bev?lkerung an. Die negativen Folgen ... 20.09.2024 22:00Communication Failures Plagued Trump Rally, Secret Service Finds The summary of an internal investigation determined that the agency did not adequately prepare its local partners for their duties at the event in Butler, Pa., in July.20.09.2024 22:01Un expert-comptable qui ne versait plus de cotisations sociales ? lUrssaf condamn? ? de la prison L'homme de 61 ans dirigeait un cabinet implant? ? Morteau et Montb?liard. Il a ?t? condamn? ? 36 mois d'emprisonnement, dont 24 avec sursis.20.09.2024 22:04Dow hovers near 42,000, heads for winning week after rate cut: Live updates The S&P 500 and 30-stock Dow hit records on Thursday, supported by the Federal Reserve's oversized rate cut and jobless claims that were below estimates.20.09.2024 22:05
U.S. and China discuss overcapacity, tariffs, investment restrictions -
Nikkei Asia
WASHINGTON -- Senior American officials talked about Chinese industrial overcapacity, while China expressed concerns about U.S. tariffs and investment restrictions, at a two-day meeting in Beijing that ended Friday.The meeting was co-chaired by Chinese Vice Finance Minister Liao Min and the U.S. Treasury Department's Jay Shambaugh, undersecretary for international affairs. It was the fifth meeting of the two countries' Economic Working Group and followed up on Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's April visit to China.20.09.2024 22:06Sylt: Mann stiehlt Taxi und bleibt im Watt stecken Mit einem geklauten Taxi fuhr ein Mann von Keitum nach Morsum. Die Fahrt auf der Nordseeinsel endete abrupt: im Watt. Die Polizei ... 20.09.2024 22:06Cr?ches priv?es : les d?put?s ?cologistes veulent une proc?dure pour parjure contre Aurore Berg? Les d?put?s ?cologistes suspectent la ministre d?missionnaire d'avoir pass? sous silence des relations avec les lobbys devant une commission d'enqu?te sur le mod?le ?conomique des cr?ches.20.09.2024 22:06Fed Governor Waller says inflation softening faster than he expected put him in half-point-cut camp Waller told CNBC that the data is showing core inflation in the Fed's preferred measure is running below 1.8%20.09.2024 22:06Automobiliste tu? ? Valence : trois personnes mises en examen pour meurtre en bande organis?e 20.09.2024 22:10The Power of a Smaller Breast Breast reduction is all the rage in cosmetic surgery. Are women asserting their independence or capitulating to yet another impossible standard of beauty?20.09.2024 22:19Kanzler-Kandidat der CDU: Wird Merz das bessere Merkel-Portr?t? Angela Merkel ?bertrumpfte einst Friedrich Merz. Sieht man ihn, sieht man sie mit. Ihn als Besiegten, sie als Siegerin. Dieses ... 20.09.2024 22:29This power company has outpaced Nvidia, could ink next nuclear deal after Three Mile Island The Three Mile Island restart demonstrates the growing financial opportunity that nuclear power represents for utilities and their investors. 20.09.2024 22:30Vend?e : deux hommes en garde ? vue apr?s le d?c?s dune femme bless?e par balle 20.09.2024 22:31Elektroautos: Sollen wir 2025 schon aufgeben? In der Autoindustrie ist Krise. Reflexhaft fordern deswegen manche Manager, die CO?-Ziele f?r Neuwagen zu kippen. Dabei k?nnten ... 20.09.2024 22:35
Japan back to square one in Fukushima nuclear debris removal -
Nikkei Asia
TOKYO -- The removal of melted fuel rods at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has run into another round of difficulties from equipment malfunctions and delays, threatening to push back the 2051 full decommissioning time line even further."From our perspective, we have only paused work," an official from Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, which operates the plant, said at a news conference Thursday. "We want to proceed with the work with safety as our priority."20.09.2024 22:35Fridays for Future ist zur?ck: Bundesweite Proteste f?r mehr Klimaschutz Kundgebungen an 110 Orten in ganz Deutschland: Die Aktivisten von Fridays for Future wollen den Fokus von anderen Krisen weg und ... Страницы: 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 |