| 06.02.2025 10:56 Marco Rubio Asks U.S.A.I.D. Worker for Trust and Patience Speaking at the U.S. Embassy in Guatemala City, the secretary of state called foreign aid the least popular thing that government pays for. 06.02.2025 11:00 Its not just a few ships doing it: how the worlds plastic ends up on a Guernsey beach The work of local volunteer Richard Lord is being referenced by international aid organisationsEvidence of the extent of the worlds plastic litter problem is washing up on Guernseys beaches with every tide.But it does not go ... ... 06.02.2025 11:00 Tech firms, publishers and Which? raise fears over new boss at competition regulator Exclusive: Appointment of ex-Amazon UK boss prompts group letter to chancellor airing fears over approach to big techThe appointment of the former boss of Amazon UK to lead the competition watchdog poses a threat to its ... ... 06.02.2025 11:04 Owner of spyware used in alleged WhatsApp breach ends contract with Italy Exclusive: Decision comes after it emerged an Italian investigative journalist and two activists targeted by Paragon Solutions spywareParagon Solutions, whose military-grade hacking software was allegedly used to target 90 people, ... ... 06.02.2025 11:10Malaysia says forced resettlement of Palestinians would be ethnic cleansing Foreign Ministry says it 'strongly opposes' displacement of residents from Gaza after Trump floats redevelopment plan. 06.02.2025 11:30 Je prends beaucoup de plaisir : retour gagnant ? Paris pour Fournier, comme un poisson dans leau ? lOlympiakos R?CIT Vainqueur ? Paris mercredi soir, ? lAdidas Arena, quelques mois apr?s la m?daille dargent ? Paris 2024, le Francilien a retrouv? le plaisir de jouer en Gr?ce. 06.02.2025 11:37Could Trumps tariffs upend the worlds economic order? US president's tariffs against Mexico and Canada are on hold for now, but the trade dispute with China rumbles on. 06.02.2025 12:00 Clean Slate review Laverne Coxs comedy is so darn lovable its impossible to resist Cox and co-star George Wallace have wonderful chemistry as a trans woman and her dad in this warm sitcom. Its sweet, cosy and very funnyPosthumous work can be tricky to assess, but Clean Slate, executive produced by the late ... ... 06.02.2025 12:00 How often do you see Palestinian stories in fiction?: the film-maker trying to adjust our focus After a career making documentaries, Mahdi Fleifel has created To a Land Unknown, a feature film about the refugee experiencePalestinian stories, according to Mahdi Fleifel, are always stranger than fiction yet too often are ... ... 06.02.2025 12:01Bangladesh protesters torch family home of ousted PM Sheikh Hasina Wave of attacks overnight also targeted houses and businesses belonging to Hasinas Awami League supporters. 06.02.2025 12:02 La moiti? des homicides concerne le trafic de drogue : ? Lyon, les meurtres en hausse de plus de 42% en 2024 ENTRETIEN EXCLUSIF - La d?linquance a augment? de 3% dans le d?partement du Rh?ne et la m?tropole de Lyon en 2024. Principal point noir, lexplosion du nombre dhomicides. Le r?sultat du pilonnage des points de deal et r?seaux de trafic de drogue selon Fabienne Buccio, pr?f?te du d?partement. 06.02.2025 12:22 Foot : anniversaire, num?ro 10, match nul... comment Neymar a c?l?br? son retour avec Santos Le Br?silien a disput? son premier match la nuit derni?re avec Santos. 06.02.2025 12:30CNBC Daily Open: Consecutive stock gains signal calm, but heed Fed officials U.S. Federal Reserve officials have been unusually open in discussing their concerns over fiscal policy. Investors might want to pay attention. 06.02.2025 12:41 Argentine : Javier Milei va interdire les traitements et la chirurgie de transition pour mineurs Le pr?sident argentin envisage ?galement de revenir sur la possibilit? de changer de genre sur simple d?claration, pr?vue par la Loi sur lidentit? de genre de 2012. 06.02.2025 12:46 China's 'lifeline' labs and rich Asians' crypto craze - Nikkei Asia 06.02.2025 12:48Asia-Pacific markets trade mostly higher, shrugging off a week of trade turmoil Asia-Pacific markets opened higher on Thursday, tracking gains on Wall Street. 06.02.2025 12:48 ?le-de-France : plusieurs perturbations ralentissent le trafic sur les lignes RER E et C Des incidents et des pannes perturbent une partie du r?seau de RER francilien ce jeudi 6 f?vrier. 06.02.2025 12:50 Nous ne laisserons pas des hommes battre des athl?tes f?minines : Trump signe un d?cret visant ? emp?cher les athl?tes transgenres de participer aux sports f?minins Le pr?sident des ?tats-Unis souhaite combattre la pr?sence dathl?tes transgenres dans les sports f?minins, notamment en vue des Jeux olympiques de Los Angeles 2028. 06.02.2025 12:54 Je ne me d?roberai pas : Bernard Cazeneuve nexclut pas une candidature ? l?lection pr?sidentielle Dans une interview accord?e ? Lib?ration, lancien premier ministre socialiste annonce la sortie dun livre dans les prochaines semaines, avant la pr?sentation dun projet politique cet ?t?. 06.02.2025 12:58 JO dhiver 2026 : Milan et Cortina ? pile un an de leur c?r?monie douverture Ce jeudi marque le J-365 jours avant la XXVe ?dition des Jeux dhiver. Les troisi?mes de lhistoire qui se d?rouleront en Italie. 06.02.2025 13:00 He wanted to have a wing of the Tate named after him: remembering the groundbreaking art of Donald Rodney A new show celebrates the pioneering, polemical artist who inspired a generation of Black British creatives and whose works are as relevant today as theyve ever beenFor many reasons, 1981 stands as a landmark year in Black ... ... 06.02.2025 13:05 Abe coddled Trump. Ishiba must stand up to the bully - Nikkei Asia 06.02.2025 13:11From street names to textbooks, Senegal is rewriting French colonial memory New project set to rename public spaces bearing names of colonial officers as Dakar distances itself from France. 06.02.2025 13:12Danish brewer Carlsberg slightly misses on fourth-quarter sales, points to lower growth in 2025 Danish brewer Carlsberg on Thursday reported a slight miss in fourth-year sales and pointed to lower growth in 2025. 06.02.2025 13:13 Police municipale arm?e : Nantes, otage de ses ?lus ?cologistes, toujours ? rebours de la tendance en Loire-Atlantique Apr?s La Baule et Le Croisic en 2024, les communes de Bouguenais et, bient?t, de Donges sappr?tent ? ?quiper leurs agents municipaux darmement l?tal. Une piste toujours ?cart?e par la majorit? socialiste nantaise, soucieuse de m?nager ses alliances locales. 06.02.2025 13:22 Exc?s de vitesse, accidents mortels... ? Nice, quatre nouveaux radars bient?t install?s sur la promenade des Anglais Il sagit pour la municipalit? de Christian Estrosi de lutter contre le fl?au de lins?curit? routi?re apr?s plusieurs drames r?cents sur la c?l?bre avenue de la ville. 06.02.2025 13:23 Belgique : nouvelle fusillade li?e au trafic de drogue, une personne bless?e Un nouvel ?change de tirs est survenu dans la nuit de mercredi ? jeudi aux abords de la station de m?tro Cl?menceau ? Anderlecht. Cest l? que des tirs au fusil dassaut avaient d?j? eu lieu la veille, film?s par une cam?ra de vid?osurveillance. 06.02.2025 13:25 Dany Boon renoue avec la sc?ne, apr?s sept ans de disette Lhumoriste fran?ais fait son grand retour sur les planches avec le spectacle Clown nest pas un m?tier, qui va le mener dans toute la France jusqu? la fin 2025. 06.02.2025 13:28 Middle East crisis live: Israels defence minister says countries which opposed military operations in Gaza should take Palestinians Israel Katz orders army to prepare plan to allow voluntary departure of residents from Gaza as Spain rejects suggestion it should accept displaced peopleUN chief warns against ethnic cleansing after Trumps Gaza ... ... 06.02.2025 13:29 Les ?tats-Unis affirment que leurs navires pourront franchir gratuitement le canal de Panama, qui d?ment Avant m?me de revenir au pouvoir le 20 janvier, Donald Trump avait menac? de reprendre le contr?le de cette art?re strat?gique par laquelle transite 5% du commerce mondial pour contrer linfluence de la Chine. 06.02.2025 13:35 La Maison-Blanche nuance les propos fracassants de Donald Trump sur Gaza Donald Trump a dit que les ?tats-Unis ne financeraient pas la reconstruction de Gaza, a voulu temp?rer la porte-parole de la Maison-Blanche, Karoline Leavitt. 06.02.2025 13:37 JOC member slams Trump executive order barring transgender athletes A member of the Japanese Olympic Committee board expressed opposition Thursday to an executive order signed by U.S. President Donald Trump intended to ban transgender athletes from participating in girls' and women's sports.
The executive order "sends a discriminatory message against all members of the LGBTQ+ community and has a negative impact on the entire sports world," Fumino Sugiyama, a transgender activist and a former member of the Japanese women's national fencing team, said in a statement.
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