| 31.01.2025 14:38 Rugby : deux joueurs de Biarritz impliqu?s dans un incident grave Selon un communiqu? du club basque, un incident grave sest produit en dehors de ses installations. Il sagirait dune bagarre entre co?quipiers ? la sortie dun bar de nuit. Un joueur, qui a essay? de sinterposer, a ?t? violemment pris ? partie. Il a ?t? hospitalis?. 31.01.2025 14:39 Une majorit? dAllemands favorable au refoulement des migrants clandestins ? la fronti?re ? quelques semaines d?lections l?gislatives d?cisives, 57% de la population allemande se dit favorable ? cette mesure voulue par le favori conservateur Friedrich Merz. 31.01.2025 14:49 Krise im Automobilbau: Continental plant Schlie?ung mehrerer Werke Die Krise der Autobranche macht sich auch bei den Zulieferern bemerkbar. Dazu geh?rt auch Continental und seine ... 31.01.2025 14:50 Calais : un m?decin agress? par une vingtaine dhommes pour le vol de son t?l?phone Violemment frapp?, le m?decin a ?t? hospitalis?. Le pr?fet a annonc? la mise en place de mesures de s?curit?. 31.01.2025 14:52 Municipales 2026 : Laurence Garnier, patronne de la droite ? Nantes, passe le flambeau Candidate malheureuse aux scrutins nantais de 2014 et 2020, la s?natrice Laurence Garnier annonce ne pas se repr?senter comme t?te de liste et adoube son dauphin. Mais lincertitude demeure sur les divisions locales de sa famille politique. 31.01.2025 14:53 ? Marseille, un chantier monumental pr?vu pour redonner ? la Bonne-M?re son ?clat Les travaux de r?novation de la statue de la vierge ? lenfant, qui dureront pr?s dun an, ont ?t? en partie financ?s par une campagne de dons de particuliers et de m?c?nes priv?s. 31.01.2025 14:54Which countries will Trumps foreign aid suspension hurt most? The decision comes as President Donald Trump pushes for all government departments to prioritise 'America First'. 31.01.2025 14:56 Tennis: Japan, Britain split Davis Cup opening singles matches Yoshihito Nishioka won, but Kei Nishikori lost Friday as Japan split the first two singles matches with Britain in their best-of-five first round of the Davis Cup team tennis qualifiers.
Nishioka defeated Billy Harris 7-5, 6-1 before world No. 77 Jacob Fearnley powered to a 6-3, 6-3 victory over 70th-ranked Nishikori at Bourbon Beans Dome in Miki, Hyogo Prefecture.
Read full story here 31.01.2025 14:56 La Ga?t? Lyrique nest pas un centre dh?bergement durgence, le nouveau cri dalerte des salari?s Jeudi 30 janvier, dans un communiqu?, les salari?s de la Ga?t? Lyrique maintiennent leur soutien aux 400 migrants qui occupent le lieu depuis un mois et demi, mais se disent plus que jamais inquiets sur lapr?s. 31.01.2025 15:01 Israels ban on U.N. aid agency for Palestinians comes into effect at critical point for Gaza Israels ban on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees' operations in Gaza and other Palestinian territories takes effect Thursday. 31.01.2025 15:01 Steve Bannon on Broligarchs vs. Populism The fight for Donald Trumps ear. 31.01.2025 15:02 Flugzeugungl?ck in Washington: Eiskunstlauf-Sport trauert um Todesopfer Bei der Flugzeugtrag?die in Washington sind Eiskunstlauf-Nachwuchssportler aus den USA und ehemalige Stars aus Russland ums Leben ... 31.01.2025 15:02 Under Trump, a Wink and a Nod at Anti-Abortion Violence By undermining the FACE Act, Trump gives anti-abortion activists tacit permission to break laws. 31.01.2025 15:03 Bundestag: Bundestagssitzung auf Antrag der Union vorerst unterbrochen Die Debatte ?ber das Zustrombegrenzungsgesetz der Union verz?gert sich: Auf Antrag der Unionsfraktion hat Parlamentspr?sidentin ... 31.01.2025 15:03 Fronde des grands patrons : ?ric Lombard se dit surpris, Sophie Binet indign?e Le ministre de l?conomie et sa ministre d?l?gu?e aux Comptes publics ont tenu ? rassurer les dirigeants fran?ais. De son c?t?, la patronne de la CGT a critiqu? la r?action ind?cente de Bernard Arnault. 31.01.2025 15:03 En janvier, linflation sur un an a acc?l?r? l?g?rement ? 1,4%, selon lInsee Les prix de l?nergie ont augment? de 2,8% sur un an, apr?s une progression de 1,2% en d?cembre, d?taillent les statisticiens nationaux, ce vendredi. 31.01.2025 15:07 CDU: Proteste gegen Friedrich Merz nach AfD-Unterst?tzung f?r Migrationsantrag Am Donnerstag demonstrierten Tausende vor der CDU-Parteizentrale in Berlin, weitere Kundgebungen sind angemeldet, auch in Hamburg, ... 31.01.2025 15:08 1/30: CBS Evening News New details released in D.C. midair collision that killed 67 people; Where U.S. aviation safety stands after midair crash 31.01.2025 15:10Europe stocks rise to extend record highs as traders digest dovish ECB messaging; Smiths Group up 11% A slew of earnings, data and monetary policy decisions saw the benchmark Stoxx 600 close at a record high Thursday. 31.01.2025 15:18 South Carolina prepares for third execution since September South Carolina is preparing to execute the third inmate to be put to death since September. 31.01.2025 15:19 Net population influx into Tokyo recovers to pre-pandemic level Tokyo continued to be a magnet for people in 2024, with a net influx of around 80,000 nearing the pre-pandemic 2019 level and highlighting the longstanding population concentration in the capital, government data showed Friday.
People moving into Tokyo outnumbered those leaving by 79,285 in 2024, up 11,000 from a year before. The net population influx was 82,982 in 2019, but the move slowed down in 2020 and 2021 amid the spread of teleworking and infection control measures.
Read full story here 31.01.2025 15:34Is Elon Musk a Nazi, and can he get European far-right hardliners elected? Many people accuse Musk of harbouring Nazi sympathies. The truth is likely more mundane, say experts. 31.01.2025 15:45Ukraine drone attack sparks fire at key Russian oil refinery Kyivs latest attack on Russia's critical infrastructure hits second oil refinery in space of a week. 31.01.2025 15:52Did Trumps firing aviation officials raise the risk of the DC plane crash? Experts say Trump firing aviation officials and ending DEI programmes likely did not affect aircraft. 31.01.2025 16:08 Honda, Nissan delay announcement of merger plan details till mid-Feb. Honda Motor Co. and Nissan Motor Co. said Friday they will unveil the details of their merger plan in mid-February, having originally announced they would do so by the end of this month.
Honda and Nissan, Japan's second- and third-largest carmakers by volume, said they are still discussing the finer points of the merger.
Read full story here 31.01.2025 16:37 Hotel stays in Japan hit record 651 million in 2024 on inbound surge Overnight stays at accommodation facilities in Japan by Japanese and foreign travelers rose 5.5 percent in 2024 from the previous year to a record 651.49 million, preliminary government data showed Friday.
The growth was largely driven by foreign visitors, whose stays at hotels and Japanese inns surged 38.8 percent to 163.48 million on the back of a weak yen, according to the Japan Tourism Agency.
Read full story here 31.01.2025 16:46Gaza ceasefire at risk if UNRWA forced to stop operations UK, France and Germany reiterate 'grave concern' over Israeli law forbidding contact between its officials and UN agency 31.01.2025 17:17Gazas Rafah Crossing reopening for medical evacuations The Rafah Crossing, a vital route for humanitarian aid into Gaza, is reopening for medical evacuations. 31.01.2025 17:26DR Congos M23 rebels threaten march to capital city The Rwanda-backed rebels taking over territory in DR Congo have vowed to fight all the way to the capital. 31.01.2025 17:26Rwanda-backed rebels vow to take DRC capital after claiming capture of Goma M23 rebels promise to march to Kinshasa as they capture Goma and advance towards Bukavu in eastern DR Congo. 31.01.2025 17:28Champions League draw: Real Madrid face Man City in playoff Defending champions Real Madrid face the team they replaced as holders, Man City, following the draw in Switzerland. 31.01.2025 18:33 New Zealand mountain recognized as a legal person Mount Taranaki, a mountain in New Zealand considered an ancestor by Indigenous people, was recognized as a legal person after a new law granted it all the rights and responsibilities of a human being. Страницы: 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 |