袘褍谢褜写芯蟹械褉 袘12        袩芯谐褉褍蟹褔懈泻 袙140        袗胁褌芯谐褉械泄写械褉 袛袟-98袙
袧芯胁芯褋褌懈 | 袠薪芯褋屑懈 | 袣褍谢褜褌褍褉邪 | 袪褘薪泻懈 | 效械谢褟斜懈薪褋泻 | Hi-tech | 袟写芯褉芯胁褜械 | 小锌芯褉褌

03.09.2024 23:47
China home presales sink to 18-year low amid unfinished properties - Nikkei Asia BEIJING -- Home presales in China have reached the lowest share of new-home sales in 18 years as more consumers shy away after a string of cash-strapped developers halted construction.Preselling lets real estate developers recover their investments faster, making it easier to proceed with new projects. It has become the main method of purchasing a home in China and has helped expand the housing supply. Homebuyers can purchase at a discount even if the market expands and prices rise.