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袧芯胁芯褋褌懈 | 袠薪芯褋屑懈 | 袣褍谢褜褌褍褉邪 | 袪褘薪泻懈 | 效械谢褟斜懈薪褋泻 | Hi-tech | 袟写芯褉芯胁褜械 | 小锌芯褉褌

01.09.2024 19:00
Elephant sculptures make their way across the U.S. An exhibition of giant creatures is currently touring the country, spreading a message of coexistence between humans and the animal world. Correspondent Nancy Giles reports on "The Great Elephant Migration," which features sculptures depicting a herd of elephants, created by artists in India to benefit both indigenous artisans and conservation efforts.

01.09.2024 19:10
01.09.2024 19:30
Nature: Sand Dollar Beach We leave you this Sunday overlooking Sand Dollar Beach in Monterey County, California. Videographer: Ed Givnish.

01.09.2024 19:39
01.09.2024 19:41
Japan's tourism boom is becoming a headache for its credit card companies - Nikkei Asia TOKYO -- As international visitors flock to Japan, their shopping and dining have put such a strain on credit card companies here that some are considering charging higher fees for foreign-issued cards.When a foreign-issued credit card is used in Japan, the Japanese card company that processes transactions for the merchant must pay fees to both the overseas issuer and the international brand holder, such as Visa or MasterCard.

01.09.2024 20:00
Crashes hold lesson for central banks: keep markets at arm's length - Nikkei Asia TOKYO -- On Oct. 19, 1987, the U.S. stock market crashed in what would come to be known as Black Monday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 22%, surpassing the panic of 1929.It was the first stock crash I had experienced as a financial reporter. Nikkei's U.S. headquarters called an emergency meeting, and I was assigned to handle markets besides equities, where I learned the term "flight to quality" as Treasury bonds and precious metals soared.