| 22.09.2024 19:02Le Hamas salue la bravoure du Hezbollah libanais apr?s ses frappes sur Isra?l LE POINT SUR LA SITUATION - Lescalade de la tension est rapide ? la fronti?re entre Isra?l et le Liban depuis lop?ration qui a sem? le chaos au sein du Hezbollah libanais mardi et mercredi. LONU ?voque une catastrophe imminente. 22.09.2024 19:03Harris Cracked Down on Violent Offenders; Showed Leniency on Less Serious Crime Her record as a prosecutor navigating both paths has left her open to criticism that she either betrayed liberal ideals or prioritized them over law and order.22.09.2024 19:05Formule 1 : Norris ?crase le Grand Prix de Singapour, Verstappen 2e Lando Norris a ?cras? la concurrence dans les rues de Singapour, dimanche, pour signer son troisi?me succ?s de la saison. Il reprend huit points ? Max Verstappen, deuxi?me ? Marina Bay.22.09.2024 19:05Hezbollah, Israel exchange heavy fire as fear grows of widening conflict Israel and Lebanon exchanged heavy fire into Sunday, with Israeli warplanes carrying out the most intense bombardment in almost a year of war across Lebanon's south.22.09.2024 19:08Bayesian: Schiffbauer erw?gt offenbar rechtliche Schritte wegen Imageschadens Laut Medienberichten soll der Hersteller der gesunkenen Bayesian wegen eines Imageschadens klagen und 222 Millionen Euro ... 22.09.2024 19:18Brandenburg-Wahl: AfD und SPD k?mpfen um Platz eins In Brandenburg sind 2,1 Millionen Wahlberechtigte zur Stimmabgabe aufgerufen. Am Nachmittag zeichnete sich eine hohe ... 22.09.2024 19:18
Sri Lankan outsider leftist Dissanayake wins presidential election -
Nikkei Asia
COLOMBO -- Leftist antiestablishment lawmaker Anura Kumara Dissanayake won Saturday's presidential election in Sri Lanka, shocking a political elite that has dominated power in the South Asian nation for nearly eight decades."This achievement is not the result of any single person's work, but the collective efforts of thousands of you," he said, on the verge of becoming the ninth executive president of Sri Lanka. Dissanayake is to be sworn in as president on Monday at a ceremony in Colombo, the commercial capital.22.09.2024 19:19Real Madrid : 8/10 ? Madrid, 3/10 en Catalogne... La presse espagnole pas daccord sur Kylian Mbapp? REVUE DE PRESSE - Les journaux madril?nes se veulent optimistes apr?s la prestation de Kylian Mbapp? contre lEspanyol Barcelone samedi (4-1). Les m?dias catalans sont eux plus s?v?res.22.09.2024 19:24Foot : le luxueux appartement de Gianni Infantino avec vue sur un lac pay? par la FIFA LE SCAN SPORT - Le m?dia suisse Blick a r?v?l? que Gianni Infantino, pr?sident de la FIFA, occupait un tr?s bel appartement avec vue sur le lac de Zoug, pay? par l'instance.22.09.2024 19:27Giorgia Meloni: Mel & Mel-Selfie mit Mel Gibson wird kritisiert Italiens Regierung ruft den Notstand aus f?r zwei Unwetterregionen. Doch die Ministerpr?sidentin fehlte bei einer Krisensitzung. ... 22.09.2024 19:29Sen. Lindsey Graham says embattled GOP candidate Mark Robinson must defend himself Sen. Lindsey Graham told NBC News Meet the Press on Sunday that North Carolina Lt.22.09.2024 19:45Une semaine apr?s sa d?mission fracassante, Thierry Breton sort du silence Lors dun entretien, ce dimanche, l'ex-commissaire europ?en a notamment soulign? des probl?mes de gouvernance, au sein de l'ex?cutif bruxellois.22.09.2024 19:47Sri Lanka picks Marxist-leaning Dissanayake as president to fix economy Dissanayake, who does not possess political lineage like some rivals in the presidential election, led from start to finish during the counting of ballots.22.09.2024 19:58Ligue 1: apr?s le Bar?a, le Havre c?de sur le Rocher, semaine de r?ve pour Monaco Le club mon?gasque, gr?ce ? sa profondeur de banc, a domin? le Havre (3-1) lors de la 5e journ?e de Ligue 1 ce dimanche.22.09.2024 20:00Why News Corps realestate.com.au can put fees up and up and up, according to ex-CEO Simon Baker says REA Groups property portal is viewed jealously by others around the world because the home-sellers pay the billsA former chief executive of the News Corp-controlled realestate.com.au says the company views ... 22.09.2024 20:01NSW to help renters avoid added app fees and make it easier to keep a pet Landlords will have to offer convenient ways to avoid extra charges when paying the rent New South Wales renters will no longer be made to pay extra fees when they pay the rent and will have greater rights to keep a pet in a suite ... 22.09.2024 20:01Why Trump Cant Shake Project 2025 The former presidents problem in the 2024 election is that he can no longer run as if he is a man alone.22.09.2024 20:04UN chief calls on Sudanese paramilitary leader to end siege of North Darfur city Ant?nio Guterres gravely alarmed by RSF assault on al-Fashir as EU foreign policy chief warns of another genocideThe UN secretary general, Ant?nio Guterres, is gravely alarmed at reports of a full-scale assault on the ... 22.09.2024 20:08MAGA Wants Transgression, and This Is What Comes With It Want more Mark Robinsons? Vote for Trump.22.09.2024 20:12Triathlon-WM in Nizza: Laura Philipp kr?nt sich zur Ironman-Weltmeisterin Triumph f?r Laura Philipp: Sie hat die Ironman-WM in Nizza nach einer spektakul?ren Aufholjagd f?r sich entschieden. Ihre ... 22.09.2024 20:17Sean Combs and Dominique Pelicot Arent Such Outliers Its easy to miss how much these cases have in common with everyday reality.22.09.2024 20:23Sri Lanka: Links-Kandidat Dissanayaka gewinnt Pr?sidentschaftswahl Vor zwei Jahren rutschte Sri Lanka in eine tiefe Wirtschaftskrise. Massenproteste zwangen den damaligen Staatschef zur Flucht. Nun ... 22.09.2024 20:32Schweiz: B?rger entscheiden sich gegen mehr Naturschutz Mehr Naturschutz, mehr Artenvielfalt. Das klingt eigentlich gut. Dennoch haben sich die Schweizer mit deutlicher Mehrheit dagegen ... 22.09.2024 20:33Fu?ball-Bundesliga: Bayer Leverkusen schl?gt VfL Wolfsburg in der Nachspielzeit Stabil geht anders: Im Duell der Werksklubs l?uft Meister Bayer Leverkusen gleich zweimal einem R?ckstand hinterher. Dank eines ... 22.09.2024 20:45Israel and Hezbollah urged to step back from the brink Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said after a night of intense rocket fire from Lebanon that Israel has dealt 'a series of blows.' Hezbollah was equally defiant, with the group's deputy chief Naim Qassem saying it was in a 'new phase.'22.09.2024 21:00Formule 1: domination de Norris, strat?gie manqu?e de Mercedes, Alpine calamiteuse...les tops et les flops du GP de Singapour Le show Lando Norris, Max Verstappen limite la casse mais aussi les d?boires dAlpine...D?couvrez les tops et les flops du GP de Singapour.22.09.2024 21:03Brandenburg-Wahl: SPD laut Prognosen knapp vor AfD BSW stark wie CDU Offenbar siegt die SPD in Brandenburg knapp. Ersten Zahlen zufolge liegen die Sozialdemokraten hauchd?nn ?ber 30 Prozent und ... 22.09.2024 21:04Formel 1 in Singapur: Lando Norris behielt die Nerven aber zweimal war es knapp WM-Verfolger Lando Norris hat Max Verstappen in Singapur um mehr als 20 Sekunden hinter sich gelassen, seinen Fans aber ... 22.09.2024 21:06Gouvernement Barnier : au lendemain des Jeux paralympiques, labsence de minist?re d?di? au handicap fait pol?mique Des associations repr?sentant les personnes handicap?es ont fait part de leur m?contentement, ce week-end. Le ministre charg? du dossier, quant ? lui, assure quil sera pleinement mobilis?.22.09.2024 21:06Birmingham, Ala., Shooting Kills Four, Injures Dozens Gunmen shot into a group of people in a popular entertainment district in what appeared to be a targeted attack, the police said. The authorities are still looking for the shooters.22.09.2024 21:07For Israel, Gaza Cease-Fire Talks Take a Back Seat to Military Force After years of failed deals and tit-for-tat violence, neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians believe their adversaries will ever negotiate in good faith.22.09.2024 21:12Erik Menendezs wife Tammi shares statement criticizing Netflix series as dishonest portrayal Erik Menendez is slamming Netflixs show Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story, based on the 1989 murder of Jose and Kitty Menendez, as awful lies and a horrible narrative, in a statement shared by his wife, Tammi Menendez. 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