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16.09.2024 17:41
Amnesty calls for release of peaceful protesters in Angola Health of three of four detained a year ago has deteriorated sharply after medical care withheld, charity saysAmnesty International has urged authorities in Angola to free four activists who were detained a year ago for planning a ...

16.09.2024 17:46
16.09.2024 17:50
Chinese deal activity shifts toward emerging markets and into greenfields - Nikkei Asia NEW YORK -- Chinese outbound foreign investment is shifting away from such advanced economies as the U.S. and Europe to emerging markets and are increasingly focused on greenfield projects, a new database from Rhodium Group shows, posing new challenges for governments eager to counter China's economic influence.Outflows have rebounded after the COVID-19 pandemic in the past two years. There was $103 billion worth of announced investment last year, but investment levels remain much lower than previous highs.

16.09.2024 18:58
16.09.2024 19:42
China, Russia coast guards to start joint North Pacific exercises - Nikkei Asia BEIJING -- The China Coast Guard is dispatching two ships to engage in exercises and patrols with its Russian counterpart, as the two countries expand joint maritime operations beyond their navies amid heightening tensions with the U.S.Two 3,000-tonne China Coast Guard vessels set sail for Russia on Friday. They will meet up with ships from the Coast Guard of the FSB Border Service of Russia in the North Pacific and conduct training on responding to maritime safety threats and search and rescue operations.

16.09.2024 20:09
Japan to subsidize bus security for Japanese schools in China - Nikkei Asia TOKYO -- For the first time, Japan will help pay for security guards to protect school buses serving Japanese schools in China, following a knife attack on a Japanese family at a bus stop in the country earlier this year.Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has requested 350 million yen ($2.5 million) for the next fiscal year to pay for the security measures, which will include posting one guard for each bus.