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10.09.2024 22:00
10.09.2024 22:10
China dominates global supply of solar panels and wind turbines - Nikkei Asia TOKYO -- China's grip on the global supply chain for renewable energy tightened last year, a trend that has fueled trade tensions with the U.S. and Europe.Chinese companies in the top five suppliers of 71 key products and services increased their market share for 21 categories compared with 2022, Nikkei research shows. Their total share exceeded 30% in 13 cases.

10.09.2024 22:34
Coming Soon: THE OFFICIALS: A Documentary from TIME Studios THE OFFICIALS, a short documentary from TIME Studios will be live on time.com on Sept. 17. US election officials in rural and urban jurisdictions of four battleground states hold the line against organized efforts to undermine their work as they prepare for the contentious 2024 contest. Directors/Producers Sara Archambault and Margo Guernsey, Executive Producer Maida…