| 22.11.2024 0:32Dow jumps more than 500 points as investors rotate out of tech into stocks linked to broader economy: Live updates Stocks rose Thursday as investors bought the dip in Nvidia shares that followed its earnings Wednesday night. 22.11.2024 0:32 PSG : On en a besoin, sinon, on est morts, Nasser Al-Khela?fi d?termin? ? quitter le Parc des Princes Le pr?sident du Paris-SG a r?affirm? ce jeudi, sur RMC, son d?sir de quitter le Parc des Princes et de construire un nouveau stade. Il met la faute sur la Mairie de Paris. 22.11.2024 0:33US SEC chair Gensler to step down upon Trump takeover US President-elect Donald Trump had said he would remove Gary Gensler as Securities and Exchange Commission chair. 22.11.2024 0:35Going bananas: Duct-taped fresh fruit sells for millions at Sothebys A banana duct-taped to a wall is causing a stir in the art world again. It just sold for $6.2 million at Sotheby's. 22.11.2024 0:36 Bezos denies Musk claim that the Amazon founder predicted Trump loss Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos the two richest people on the planet are squabbling over social media. No, really. 22.11.2024 0:36 Gaetzs Withdrawal Means the Senate Passed Its First Test Trump failed to push Republicans past their red line. 22.11.2024 0:39 La R?union : deux mineurs de 15 et 16 ans condamn?s ? neuf ans de prison pour des jets de pierre mortels sur une automobiliste Les deux adolescents avaient transport? les pierres jusquau pont dans un chariot d?rob? sur le parking dune grande surface situ?e ? proximit? puis touch? mortellement une jeune m?re de famille, ?g?e de 25 ans. 22.11.2024 0:40 Las Vegas: Mann w?hlt Notruf und wird von Polizei erschossen Ein Familienvater ruft die Polizei, weil er Einbrecher in seinem Haus vermutet. Die Einsatzkr?fte r?cken an und erschie?en dann ... 22.11.2024 0:44 Matt Gaetz withdraws as attorney general nominee President-elect Donald Trump announced Gaetz as his nominee to be attorney general last week. 22.11.2024 0:47 Northvolt beantragt Gl?ubigerschutz in den USA Das Batterieunternehmen Northvolt steckt in finanziellen Schwierigkeiten. Ein Schutzverfahren soll Zugang zu neuen Geldern ... 22.11.2024 0:47Ron Insana: Bitcoin could be the mother of all manias as it soars toward $100,000 The flagship cryptocurrency has skyrocketed in value, but don't expect it to supplant the U.S. dollar any time soon, Ron Insana says. 22.11.2024 0:50 Schweiz: Referendum ?ber Ausbau von Autobahnen am Sonntag Am Sonntag stimmen die Schweizer ?ber den Ausbau ihrer Autobahnen ab. Das Thema polarisiert viel st?rker als in Deutschland aber ... 22.11.2024 0:54 Flight ban strains humanitarian efforts and frustrates Haitians trying to fly home December usually brings travelers into Haiti, but a ban on flights has halted plans for holiday gatherings and for anyone trying to deliver food, medicine and other aid. 22.11.2024 0:54 HELOCs vs. cash-out refinancing: Which is safer now? Both HELOCs and cash-out refinancing have unique benefits for homeowners, but only one is arguably safer right now. 22.11.2024 0:55 Damage to Baltic Sea submarine cables: Why suspicion is focusing on a Chinese vessel Le Monde has reconstructed the itinerary of the Yi-Peng 3, revealing why this merchant ship, currently immobilized between Sweden and Denmark, is the number one suspect in the damage caused to two submarine cables in the Baltic Sea. 22.11.2024 0:57White House fundamentally rejects ICC warrants for Israeli leaders The White House says it is working with Israel on a response to the ICC arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant. 22.11.2024 1:01 Brazilian police accuse former president Bolsonaro of plotting coup Brazil's police said Thursday they indicted former President Jair Bolsonaro for allegedly planning a 'violent overthrow of the democratic state' after his defeat in the 2022 presidential elections. 22.11.2024 1:05 Marcos Jr. must not be complacent about father's buddy Trump - Nikkei Asia 22.11.2024 1:05 Un quart des ponts dans les petites communes n?cessitent des travaux de r?paration ? br?ve ?ch?ance 63.180 ouvrages du r?seau routier communal ont ?t? comptabilis?s par le Cerema, un ?tablissement public, entre octobre 2021 et octobre 2024 pour arriver ? cette conclusion. 22.11.2024 1:06Gladiator II star Denzel Washington recalls hoarding cans of food early in his career The 69-year-old told British Vogue he knew he had "made it" once he stopped. 22.11.2024 1:09 Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro accused of attempted coup in 2022 Jair Bolsonaro, the former president of Brazil, was one of 37 people the countrys federal police recommended for charges that include attempted coup d?tat after the 2022 election that Bolsonaro lost. 22.11.2024 1:14Putin: Russia tested intermediate-range missile on Ukraine Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia tested a new intermediate-range missile in combat conditions on Ukraine. 22.11.2024 1:23 Un tentaculaire trafic d?tres humains d?mantel?, soup?onn? davoir achemin? au moins 2200 Syriens en Europe Les criminels derri?re ce r?seau sont responsables dau moins deux morts. Les migrants prenaient la route des Balkans et ?taient achemin?s jusqu? lAllemagne et le Royaume-Uni, notamment. 22.11.2024 1:25 Hom?opathie : le laboratoire Boiron annonce vouloir supprimer 145 postes Le groupe fran?ais p?tit du d?remboursement par paliers des m?dicaments hom?opathiques par la S?curit? sociale. 22.11.2024 1:27 Dirk Nowitzki ist bei der Kindererziehung alte Schule: Kein Handy f?r die Kids Basketballlegende Dirk Nowitzki m?chte seine Kinder noch von Social-Media-Plattformen fernhalten. Bei ihm gibt es deswegen klare ... 22.11.2024 1:30 SPD-Kanzlerfrage: Weder Olaf Scholz noch Boris Pistorius ?berzeugen als Kandidaten Olaf Scholz bewirbt sich f?r die SPD noch einmal ums Kanzleramt. Das l?sst nur einen Schluss zu: Ihm und seiner Partei ist nicht ... 22.11.2024 1:31 The Future of Climate Action Is Trade Policy The climate-trade nexus is an important part of the future of climate action. 22.11.2024 1:38Israel pounds eastern and southern Lebanon as truce talks continue US mediator Amos Hochstein said a ceasefire was 'within our grasp' during a visit to Lebanon. 22.11.2024 1:46 Finist?re : un couple mis en examen pour le meurtre de deux hommes ? Douarnenez Deux hommes de 44 et 61 ans avaient ?t? tu?s ? larme blanche le 9 novembre apr?s avoir pass? la soir?e la veille des faits en compagnie du couple mis en examen. 22.11.2024 1:49What are the implications of USs UN Security Council veto, ICC warrants? The United States vetoed a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza at the United Nations Security Council. 22.11.2024 1:54 Gary Gensler: Chef der US-B?rsenauftritt tritt wegen Donald Trump zur?ck Pro-Bitcoin-Pr?sident trifft auf Kryptokritiker das versprach keine gute Zusammenarbeit. Der SEC-Vorsitzende Gary Gensler kam ... 22.11.2024 1:57 SPD: Boris Pistorius wollte Olaf Scholz nicht die Kanzlerkandidatur wegnehmen Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius verzichtet auf eine Kanzlerkandidatur. Im ZDF hat er seine Entscheidung nun begr?ndet. ... Страницы: 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 |