| 10.02.2025 12:00 Classement Ligue 1 : Paris leader intouchable, Marseille solide dauphin, Nice sur le podium Le PSG toujours en t?te, Marseille solide deuxi?me, Montpellier retrouve les abysses, Monaco doubl? par Nice... retrouvez le classement de la Ligue 1 apr?s 21 journ?es. 10.02.2025 12:00 The Meaning Behind Serena Williams Dancing During the Super Bowl Halftime Show The tennis champion did a crip walk dance as Kendrick Lamar performed his Drake diss track Not Like Us. 10.02.2025 12:00 S?te: the seaside town with year-round sunshine in the south of France Surrounded by canals, a lagoon and the Mediterranean, the port town has fabulous seafood and some quirky cultural traditionsWhile much of southern France closes its shutters for the winter, the fishing port of S?te comes alive. ... ... 10.02.2025 12:10 Ecuadors President Faces Runoff After Falling Short in Re-Election Bid President Daniel Noboa, who is known for his aggressive law-and-order policies, failed to win a majority of votes in his re-election bid on Sunday. 10.02.2025 12:15 Cest trop facile d?tre planqu? dans son bureau : Macron appelle les patrons ? d?fendre sa politique de loffre Soyez patriotes vous-m?mes, a lanc? le chef de l?tat aux dirigeants de grandes entreprises, lors dun entretien, dimanche soir. 10.02.2025 12:26Ecuador set for run-off in presidential election dominated by security Surge in support sees left-wing challenger Luisa Gonzalez neck and neck with incumbent President Daniel Noboa. 10.02.2025 12:30CNBC Daily Open: Enthusiasm over Trump and AI appears to be waning Though artificial intelligence and Trump are still the main characters of the stock market, they are steering it in a direction different from December. 10.02.2025 12:48 NFL : avec la mani?re, Philadelphie remporte le Super Bowl et prive Kansas City dun record historique Sous les yeux de Donald Trump, les Eagles ont nettement domin? les Chiefs de Patrick Mahomes (40-22), privant ces derniers dun tripl? in?dit. 10.02.2025 12:49 Municipales 2026 : La France insoumise entre dans la bataille de Nantes Le mouvement insoumis a donn? le coup denvoi, samedi, dune grande enqu?te populaire qui doit poser les bases dun programme taill? sur mesure pour la cit? des ducs. 10.02.2025 12:52 Trump Has Given Netanyahu the Ultimate Gift Turning Gaza into a Riviera is not a serious plan, but it does solve a few big problems for Israels leader. 10.02.2025 13:00 Le TD46, premier drone hybride-?lectrique militaire fran?ais, d?voil? ce lundi Fruit dune coop?ration entre le premier fabricant de drones fran?ais Delair et la start-up Ascendance, lappareil va ?tre test?, cette ann?e, par la Direction g?n?rale de larmement. 10.02.2025 13:00 Jaloux de Mbapp?, refus de prolonger, cicatrice du Ballon dOr... Entre Vinicius et le Real Madrid, le torchon br?le D?CRYPTAGE - Depuis de nombreuses semaines, Vinicius Jr nest plus que lombre de lui-m?me au Real Madrid. Selon la presse espagnole, un v?ritable malaise serait m?me pr?sent entre la star br?silienne et la Maison Blanche. 10.02.2025 13:00 Man Accused of Stabbing Salman Rushdie Goes on Trial Hadi Matar is charged with attempted murder in the attack, which took place in 2022 as Mr. Rushdie was about to speak at an arts conference in western New York. 10.02.2025 13:00 Is it true that you should feed a cold and starve a fever? A professor of medicine weighs in on the old wives tale, and discusses the fastest routes to recoveryTom Wilkinson, professor of respiratory medicine at the University of Southampton, says there is some truth to this age-old ... ... 10.02.2025 13:00 Last throw of the boule for Addis Ababas historic p?tanque club as developers turn city into hi-tech hub In the heart of the Ethiopian capital is a relic of the French-built railway but the governments grandiose redevelopment plans threaten this friendly clubWords and pictures by Fred Harter in Addis AbabaIts a quiet Saturday ... ... 10.02.2025 13:00 Euclid telescope captures Einstein ring revealing warping of space Dazzling image shows galaxy more than 4bn light years away, whose starlight has been bent due to gravityThe Euclid space telescope has captured a rare phenomenon called an Einstein ring that reveals the extreme warping of space by ... ... 10.02.2025 13:01 Super Bowl : entre classiques du rap et attaques contre Drake, Kendric Lamar interpr?te une ode au hip-hop am?ricain Lors de son show ? la mi-temps de la finale du championnat de football am?ricain, le rappeur de 37 ans na pas manqu? dinterpr?ter son morceau rempli de haine pour son rival Drake. 10.02.2025 13:09 Trump to announce 25% aluminum and steel tariffs as Chinas levies against US come into effect US president accused of shifting goalposts by premier of Ontario for adding further tariffs on top of existing metal duties, as Chinas fossil fuel levies comes into forceDonald Trump has said he will announce new 25% tariffs on ... ... 10.02.2025 13:13 ?ni?me d?sillusion pour le XV de France, Demb?l? et le PSG rayonnent, Alexis Lebrun fait honneur... Les tops et les flops du week-end DIAPORAMA - La d?faite du XV de France dans le Six Nations, le carton du PSG, le retour de Garcia... D?couvrez les tops et les flops du week-end sport. 10.02.2025 13:16Donald Trumps hypocritical land grab remarks We compare and contrast Donald Trumps claim that South Africa is conducting a land grab vs. his plan for the US to own. 10.02.2025 13:16I was running out of money: After quitting wartime Russia, some return Russia's war saw many flee due to the fear of persecution or being drafted, but some life abroad fraught with challenge. 10.02.2025 13:16 Police in India stop Ed Sheeran busking on street before concert Local channels show police officer walking up to star as he was singing Shape of You and unplugging microphoneEd Sheeran was stopped by police from busking in India after he was told he lacked permissions.The songwriter was seen ... ... 10.02.2025 13:18 Super Bowl : Trump, Lamar, show... Les images marquantes de la finale remport?e par les Philadelphie Eagles EN IMAGES - La franchise de Pennsylvanie a largement domin? Kansas City (40-22) gr?ce ? une d?fense asphyxiante. 10.02.2025 13:19 Second Labour MP faces sanctions over offensive WhatsApp group messages Burnley MP Oliver Ryan has already apologised for his own comments in wake of Andrew Gwynnes suspensionA Labour MP is to meet with the government chief whip to decide on any sanctions over his membership of a WhatsApp group that ... ... 10.02.2025 13:19 Pour Marion Mar?chal, le choix de Richard Ferrand comme pr?sident du Conseil constitutionnel est tr?s politique La d?put?e europ?enne nationaliste d?fend une r?forme constitutionnelle visant ? d?politiser linstitution de la rue de Montpensier. 10.02.2025 13:26 Middle East crisis live: returning Palestinians shocked by complete scale of destruction of northern Gaza Unicef says many displaced people had hoped their homes had been spared, but have returned to total devastationUnrwa has provided education, health and other basic services to millions of Palestinian refugees across the region, ... ... 10.02.2025 13:28Asia-Pacific markets mixed in choppy trade as tariff threats keep investors on edge Consumer inflation in China rose to a five-month high on the back of higher spending in the lead-up to the Lunar New Year. 10.02.2025 13:30 Teachers Pensions wont pay me my pension until I confirm Im not dead The money has been withheld for two months and Im struggling financiallyMy last two months of pension payments have not been paid by Teachers Pensions. Its customer service line told me this was because someone with my name had ... ... 10.02.2025 13:31 Super Bowl : Le monde est en train de gu?rir, jubile Donald Trump apr?s les hu?es envers Taylor Swift La pop star, en couple avec un des joueurs vedettes de Kansas City, a ?t? siffl?e par le public lorsquelle est apparue sur l?cran g?ant du stade. Un symbole pour le 47e pr?sident des ?tats-Unis. 10.02.2025 13:33 Acier, aluminium : lUnion europ?enne r?pliquera ? tout nouveau droit de douane am?ricain annonce Jean Noel Barrot Nous r?pliquerons ? nouveau, comme lUnion europ?enne lavait d?j? fait en 2018 lors dune d?cision similaire de Donald Trump prise lors de son premier mandat, assure le ministre des Affaires ?trang?res sur TF1 10.02.2025 13:36European stocks shrug off U.S. tariff threat; BP shares rise after Elliott stake-building report European stock markets start the week on a positive note, appearing to shrug off U.S. President Donald Trump's latest tariff announcement. 10.02.2025 13:37 Pr?sidentielle en ?quateur : Noboa et Gonzalez au coude ? coude lors du premier tour Vers 22H00 heure locale, sur pr?s de 51% de suffrages d?pouill?s, le pr?sident sortant Daniel Noboa r?coltait 45,21% des voix contre 43,41% pour sa rivale de gauche Luisa Gonzalez Страницы: 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 |