| 04.11.2024 23:00In Anaheim, California, Latinos are in search of housing and visibility With the highest percentage of Latino residents (53.3%) and those born outside the US (34.6%, compared with a national average of 13.6%), the city epitomizes the issues of migration and access to housing that are driving the presidential candidates' debates.04.11.2024 23:01Inondations en Espagne : une minute de silence observ?e lors des matches europ?ens cette semaine, annonce l扷EFA Toutes les rencontres de Coupe d扙urope, pr?vues de mardi ? jeudi, seront pr?c?d?es d抲ne minute de silence 玡n m?moire des victimes des inondations en Espagne.04.11.2024 23:15NSU: Kein Prozess gegen mutma?liche Terror-Helferin 枲Beschwerde eingelegt Susann E. soll den Rechtsterroristen des NSU geholfen haben, doch ein Dresdner Gericht lehnte einen Prozess wegen ... 04.11.2024 23:20All eyes are on America as an uncertain world awaits election result Across the world, all eyes are on the election battle between former President Donald Trump and Vice President which will have implications for almost everyone. 04.11.2024 23:26Lille-Juventus : ? quelle heure et sur quelle cha?ne suivre le match du LOSC en Ligue des champions ? Les Dogues re?oivent la Vieille Dame ce mardi (21h) ? la D?cathlon Arena dans le cadre de la 4e journ?e de C1.04.11.2024 23:29Former Ohio police officer found guilty of murder in Andre Hill shooting Adam Coy, a white former police officer who killed Andre Hill, an unarmed Black man, four years ago in Columbus, Ohio, was found guilty of murder.04.11.2024 23:55Frauenfu?ball: FC Bayern M?nchen und Eintracht Frankfurt trennen sich 1:1 unentschieden Lange kam Eintracht Frankfurt im Duell mit den Deutschen Meisterinnen vom FC Bayern M?nchen kaum zu Chancen. Dann hatte ... 05.11.2024 0:01Journey through the crucial battleground state of Pennsylvania With its 19 electoral votes, Pennsylvania is crucial in the race for the White House. Every vote matters, from rural areas to industrial zones and from Democratic cities to undecided suburbs. Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have both campaigned here extensively.05.11.2024 0:05Israeli Strikes Damage a Major Hospital in Northern Gaza, Officials Say Patients and medical staff were wounded at Kamal Adwan Hospital, one of the few in northern Gaza still providing limited medical care, the health ministry and the hospital抯 chief said.05.11.2024 0:05Bologne-Monaco : ? quelle heure et sur quelle cha?ne suivre le match de l扐SM en Ligue des champions ? L扐S Monaco se d?place en Italie ce mardi (21h) lors de la 4e journ?e de Ligue des champions.05.11.2024 0:05Mexico president lashes out at supreme court amid looming constitutional crisis Sheinbaum accuses court of overstepping as it prepares to vote on reform that makes almost all judges elected by voteMexican president Claudia Sheinbaum has accused the country抯 supreme court of overstepping its functions and 搕rying to change what the people of Mexico decided as it prepares to discuss whether to strike down parts of a transformative judicial reform.The court is expected to vote on Tuesday whether the controversial reform violates other parts of the constitution, setting up a showdown with Sheinbaum barely a month into her government. Continue reading... ... 05.11.2024 0:09China's students pay for internships in hypercompetitive job market - Nikkei Asia 05.11.2024 0:14England: Polizei findet entf?hrten Hund nach acht Jahren wieder In Surrey hatten Einbrecher vor rund acht Jahren vier Jagdhunde aus ihren Zwingern gestohlen. Ein Tier starb, nach den anderen ... 05.11.2024 0:16Nigeria president orders release of minors charged over protests At least 30 minors were charged with treason and inciting a military coup after they took part in August protests.05.11.2024 0:17USA vor der Wahl 2024: Meine zwei Monate im Trumpland Unsere Autorin begleitete den US-Wahlkampf vom konservativen Tennessee aus. Was sie dort ?ber die Republikaner gelernt hat. Und ... 05.11.2024 0:20At least 10 dead as volcanic eruptions destroy houses in Indonesia Homes and a convent burn down as Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki on island of Flores spews ash into the airAt least 10 people have died amid a series of volcanic eruptions on the Indonesian island of Flores, the country抯 national disaster management has said.The eruption at Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki on Monday night spewed thick brownish ash as high as 2km (1.24 miles) into the air and on to several villages, burning down houses including a convent of Catholic nuns, said Firman Yosef, an official at the Lewotobi Laki-Laki monitoring post. Continue reading... ... 05.11.2024 0:24Kamala Harris, Donald Trump: Wahlkampf-Endspurt um die letzten Stimmen Am Tag vor der Wahl werben die Demokratin Kamala Harris und der Republikaner Donald Trump vor allem in den wichtigen Swing States ... 05.11.2024 0:25US-Wahl: Kamala Harris f?hrt in Umfrage aus Iowa - Podcast Iowa gilt als sichere Bank f?r Donald Trump. Doch in einer renommierten Umfrage aus dem kleinen Agrarstaat f?hrt pl?tzlich Kamala ... 05.11.2024 0:36Libyen: Tausende Fl?chtlinge gefoltert Prozess gegen Menschenh?ndler Walid Negash In einer niederl?ndischen Provinzhauptstadt steht Walid Negash vor Gericht, einer der ber?chtigtsten Menschenh?ndler der Welt. Er ... 05.11.2024 0:43Americans eye the economy from kitchen tables and hourly jobs as they plan their votes Some Americans are voting for their wallets.05.11.2024 0:45Seine-et-Marne : enqu?te ouverte apr?s la mort de nombreux poissons dans un canal pollu? au sucre Le maire de Bagneaux-sur-Loing soup?onne 玼ne pollution industrielle et entend porter plainte contre X. Les pertes pourraient repr?senter plusieurs tonnes de poissons.05.11.2024 0:51Indien: Qualvoller Tod von zehn Elefanten gibt R?tsel auf Mehrere Elefanten sind in nur drei Tagen in einem indischen Reservat verendet. Eine lokale Getreideart k?nnte m?glicherweise zum ... 05.11.2024 0:51Indigenous Canadian judge who reshaped nation抯 legal system dies aged 73 Murray Sinclair praised by prime minister for pioneering country抯 Indigenous reconciliation effortsMurray Sinclair, the Anishinaabe judge, senator and university chancellor, who reshaped Canada抯 legal system and forced the public to confront the brutal realities of the Indigenous residential school system, has died at the age of 73.Sinclair whose spirit name was Mizhana Gheezhik, meaning 揟he One Who Speaks of Pictures in the Sky was a champion of Indigenous rights and reconciliation efforts, dedicating his life to reversing the stark inequities many Indigenous communities face as the result of colonial policy. Continue reading... ... 05.11.2024 0:59Sydney to Become Seventh World Major Marathon in 2025 The Sydney Marathon has joined the ranks of New York, Boston, Chicago, London, Berlin and Tokyo, receiving a designation reserved for the most elite races in the world.05.11.2024 1:05Taiwan's promising offshore wind power sector could be blown off course - Nikkei Asia 05.11.2024 1:06Investors on the watch for who will be next US president Caution prevailed on Monday as the winner of the tightly contested presidential election may be unknown for days.05.11.2024 1:11Bauunternehmer Christoph Gr?ner stellt Insolvenzantrag Er gilt als einer der schillerndsten Immobilienentwickler in Deutschland. Nun musste Christoph Gr?ner f?r seine Gr?ner Group ... 05.11.2024 1:19Ohio police officer found guilty of shooting a black man holding phone Andre Hill was holding his phone while walking toward a police officer when he was fatally shot05.11.2024 1:23Inondations en Espagne : les pluies meurtri?res vont-elles encore toucher le pays cette semaine ? Les ?v?nements m?t?orologiques dramatiques qui ont touch? l扙spagne ont fait au moins 217 morts. Si Barcelone et les r?gions sur le littoral sont encore touch?es par des pluies, les orages sont d?sormais de plus en plus faibles.05.11.2024 1:24Video: Heavy rains hit Barcelona after floods in central and east Spain Flights and trains were cancelled in Barcelona on Monday after heavy rains caused flooding in parts of the city.05.11.2024 1:25Assassinat de Samuel Paty : d?but du proc?s pour huit accus?s Deux hommes ?g?s de 22 et 23 ans, amis de l抋ssassin de Samuel Paty, ont ?t? entendus ce mardi pour l抩uverture du proc?s. Ils risquent la r?clusion criminelle ? perp?tuit?.05.11.2024 1:28The Key Swing State Officials to Watch If the Presidential Election Is Contested A look at the election chief in each of the swing states 小褌褉邪薪懈褑褘: 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 |