| 27.03.2025 13:47 SiCarrier says its tools can help China make advanced chips 27.03.2025 14:00 With fewer weather balloons after government staffing cuts, forecasts may be less accurate Some weather balloon launches have been suspended because of the Trump administrations cuts to the National Weather Service. That may hurt forecast accuracy. 27.03.2025 14:09 Ex-ruling party lawmaker given 2.5-year sentence for fraud A former ruling party lawmaker received a two-and-a-half-year prison sentence, suspended for five years, for defrauding the government of about 3.5 million yen ($23,000) by claiming salary expenses for a secretary who did no work.
The Tokyo District Court said Megumi Hirose, a 58-year-old former member of the House of Councillors, was "selfish by unfairly trying to obtain public funds," with the presiding judge noting her thinking was "very shallow" given that she holds a lawyer's license.
Read full story here 27.03.2025 14:10 As he approaches his 90th birthday, the Dalai Lama prepares for his reincarnation In exile in India, Tenzin Gyatso explained in a book that his successor would be born outside China, while the Chinese authorities intend to appoint their own Dalai Lama. 27.03.2025 14:39 French far-right leader kicks off controversial trip to Israel with a visit to the Yad Vashem Institute Jordan Bardella, whose invitation by the Israeli government was criticized by representatives of the Jewish community, paid tribute to the victims of October 7 and the Holocaust. 27.03.2025 15:00 Mortgage and refinance rates today, March 27, 2025: The 30-year rate inches down 27.03.2025 15:29 Janus Henderson Starts ETF Giving Global Access to US CLOs The firm behind the largest ETF in the USs $816 billion market for collateralized loan obligations is launching a European-regulated fund, aimed at giving global investors tax-efficient access to the US securities. 27.03.2025 15:46 Macron pledges 2 billion in military aid to Ukraine A 'coalition of the willing' bringing together some 30 European countries in Paris on Thursday is due to discuss the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine to guarantee a ceasefire. 27.03.2025 16:14 NCAA Tournament: Duke-Arizona highlights loaded Sweet 16 slate While some people may decry the lack of upsets in the first two rounds of the mens NCAA Tournament, the result is a Sweet 16 filled with the best teams in the country. 27.03.2025 16:16 Brazils Central Bank Is Confident Higher Rates Will Cool Growth Brazils central bank governor said hes confident the current cycle of interest rate hikes will tame above-target inflation and damp activity after policymakers cut their 2025 economic growth forecast. 27.03.2025 16:23 Pourquoi Arthur Fils est en train de changer de dimension et se rapproche du top 10 Le num?ro 1 fran?ais ?g? de 20 ans dispute ce jeudi face Jakub Mensik un deuxi?me quart cons?cutif en Masters 1000 apr?s celui dIndian Wells. 27.03.2025 16:24 Democrats demand accountability as Atlantic releases full chain The Atlantic editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, who was accidentally added to a group chat with Vice President JD Vance and nearly all of the Trump administration senior national security leaders where military plans were being discussed, released the entire text chain of messages. It comes as more Republicans are pressing for an investigation with the White House remaining defiant in the face of mounting backlash. NBCs Garrett Haake reports for TODAY. 27.03.2025 16:30 Le r?alisateur palestinien oscaris? Hamdan Ballal, affirme avoir ?t? agress? par des colons isra?liens Le cin?aste, r?cemment r?compens? par Hollywood pour son documentaire No Other Land, a dabord ?t? arr?t? le lundi 24 mars par la police isra?lienne pour jet de pierres, puis rel?ch? le lendemain. 27.03.2025 16:31 Trump to sign more executive orders today Trump is expected to sign additional executive orders this afternoon in the Oval Office, according to the White House. 27.03.2025 16:45 Vend?e Globe : les foilers ont rendu chaque navigation traumatisante... Isabelle Joschke, 19e de la derni?re ?dition, raccroche son cir? d?finitivement Apr?s plus de vingt ans de course au large, la Franco-Allemande met un terme ? sa carri?re de navigatrice. 27.03.2025 16:46 Thousands of jobs at risk after tariff-hit British Steel confirms furnace closures Announcing the closures on Thursday, the company said the closures were necessary 'due to highly challenging market conditions, the imposition of tariffs, and higher environmental costs relating to the production of high-carbon steel.' 27.03.2025 16:47 Lyc?e Notre-Dame de Garaison : plus de 30 t?moignages de victimes ont ?t? d?pos?s devant la justice Apr?s laffaire B?tharram, la parole sest lib?r?e pour dautres anciens ?l?ves, notamment dun internat priv? dans les Hautes-Pyr?n?es, o? ?tait scolaris? Jean Castex. Des violences physiques, sexuelles et psychologiques ont ?t? d?nonc?es, remontant jusquaux ann?es 1950. 27.03.2025 16:54 Automobile : pourquoi les nouveaux droits de douane de Donald Trump inqui?tent les g?ants am?ricains D?CRYPTAGE - Apr?s lannonce de Donald Trump, les constructeurs ?trangers install?s aux ?tats-Unis ont mis en garde contre les cons?quences de cette politique sur les prix des voitures. Les entreprises am?ricaines sont, elles aussi, inqui?tes. 27.03.2025 16:54 Nuit de violences pr?s de Lyon apr?s larrestation de deux jeunes mineurs Dimportants moyens de police ont ?t? d?ploy?s ? Rillieux-la-Pape pour ramener le calme dans le quartier de la Valette ou des voitures, une tractopelle et une cam?ra ont ?t? incendi?es. 27.03.2025 16:57 Fuji media mogul Hieda to quit as adviser amid TV host scandal
Longtime Fuji Media Holdings Inc. executive Hisashi Hieda will step down from his role as managing adviser, the company said Thursday, with its broadcasting unit under fire for its handling of a sexual misconduct scandal involving former TV host Masahiro Nakai.
Hieda also left his role as executive managing adviser to the scandal-hit Fuji Television Network Inc. as of Thursday. The network will halve its board members to 10 to "accelerate its decision-making process" and increase the number of women on it to 30 percent.
Read full story here 27.03.2025 16:58 Kit de survie de 72h : lUE demande ? ses citoyens de se pr?parer aux risques de catastrophes naturelles et de guerre Bruxelles a publi? un document de 18 pages au sein duquel elle demande que chaque citoyen se constitue de quoi tenir trois jours en autonomie en cas de menaces diverses. 27.03.2025 17:06 MLB Opening Day is here! Here are the star players to look out for Play ball! Excitement is building among fans and players as the 2025 Major League Baseball season kicks off with the Opening Day game. Reporting for TODAY, NBCs Sam Brock shares a look at the players and teams to look out for this season. 27.03.2025 17:21 Parle avec respect ! : de nouvelles images de lexplosive r?union de la LFP avec Labrune, Al-Khela?fi et Textor Compl?ment dEnqu?te a mis en ligne, ce jeudi, un extrait plus long de la r?union houleuse de la LFP du 14 juillet 2024 durant laquelle certains pr?sidents de Ligue 1 s?taient querell?s. 27.03.2025 17:24 102-year-old WWII veteran throws 1st pitch at spring training game World War II veteran-turned-internet star known as Papa Jake attended a spring training game between the Giants and Tigers and he got to throw out the first pitch three months after celebrating his 102nd birthday! TODAYs Jenna Bush Hager shares this Morning Boost. 27.03.2025 17:26 Lituanie : course contre la montre pour retrouver quatre soldats am?ricains disparus Dimportants travaux ont ?t? r?alis?s pendant la nuit pour drainer la zone o? le v?hicule a coul?, et les sauveteurs ont construit une nouvelle route pour permettre lacc?s des engins lourds. 27.03.2025 17:31 Figure skater whose parents died in D.C. plane crash says they changed their flight Just days after placing fourth at the U.S. 27.03.2025 17:36 Gaza: un porte-parole du Hamas tu? dans une frappe isra?lienne Le 18 mars, le Hamas avait indiqu? que le chef de son gouvernement dans la bande de Gaza, Essam al-Dalis, ainsi que le patron du minist?re de lInt?rieur, Mahmoud Abou Watfa, figuraient parmi quatre responsables tu?s dans des frappes isra?liennes. 27.03.2025 17:41 Ligue des champions: Mon ?quipe aura moins de pression, car on va minsulter, Emiliano Martinez lance d?j? PSG-Aston Villa Oppos? au Paris Saint Germain pour le compte des quarts de finale de Ligue des champions,le gardien argentin Emiliano Martinez a fait part de son enthousiasme de revenir en France ? la cha?ne de t?l?vision argentine Telefe. 27.03.2025 17:43 Turin : limpressionnante chute mortelle dun car dans un fleuve Seul pr?sent dans le v?hicule au moment de laccident, le chauffeur devait r?cup?rer des enfants en voyage scolaire. 27.03.2025 17:44 Kristi Noem visits El Salvador prison holding deported Venezuelans The Trump administration is arguing in federal court that it was justified in sending the Venezuelans to El Salvador, while activists say officials have sent them to a prison rife with human rights abuses. 27.03.2025 17:45 Le pape Fran?ois appara?tra en public pour P?ques malgr? sa convalescence Apr?s une s?v?re pneumonie ayant mis en p?ril sa vie, le souverain pontife donnera bien la traditionnelle b?n?diction Urbi et orbi pour le dimanche de P?ques place Saint-Pierre. 27.03.2025 17:46 Formule 1 : Il ne peut plus sexprimer verbalement, un journaliste allemand donne des nouvelles de Micha?l Schumacher Le septuple champion du monde nest plus r?apparu publiquement depuis son accident de ski ? M?ribel en d?cembre 2013. Страницы: 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 |