| 04.02.2025 23:42 Syrien nach Baschar al-Assad: Ex-Innenminister ergibt sich Knapp zwei Monate nach dem Sturz von Baschar al-Assad in Syrien hat sich der ehemalige Innenminister des Regimes ergeben. ... 04.02.2025 23:51JPMorgan says U.S.-China trade war will escalate, bar is too high for truce Investors will likely feel a further pinch from an escalating China-U.S. trade war, according to JPMorgan. 05.02.2025 0:08 Donald Trump: USA beginnen mit Verlegung von Migranten nach Guantanamo Donald Trump will Tausende illegal eingereiste Zuwanderer in Guantanamo Bay auf Kuba inhaftieren. Dem Wei?en Haus zufolge sollen ... 05.02.2025 0:11 Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra im Test: Dieses Smartphone hat multiple KI-Pers?nlichkeiten Das Galaxy S25 Ultra soll Samsungs ?berflieger f?r die KI-?ra werden. Weil man daf?r prim?r Software ben?tigt, ist an der Hardware ... 05.02.2025 0:13 NBA: Luka Don?i? hielt seinen Wechsel zu den Los Angeles Lakers f?r einen Aprilscherz Luka Don?i? spielt ab sofort f?r die Los Angeles Lakers. Das Zustandekommen des Wechsels sei f?r ihn ein gro?er Schock gewesen. ... 05.02.2025 0:20 Jens Lehmann legt Einspruch gegen Strafbefehl ein Am Montag ver?ffentlichte die Staatsanwaltschaft M?nchen einen Strafbefehl gegen Jens Lehmann. Der Torh?ter zeigt sich in der ... 05.02.2025 0:28 Donald Trump: Z?lle treffen die amerikanische Mittelschicht hart US-Pr?sident Donald Trump verh?ngt reihenweise Z?lle. US-B?rgern verspricht er im Gegenzug geringere Steuern. Von denen ... 05.02.2025 0:30South Africa leader calls Elon Musk over distortions after Trump attack President Ramaphosa called after US leader said he would suspend aid to South Africa over its land reform policy. 05.02.2025 0:33Unfair to tell Palestinians theyll return to Gaza in 5 years, US Adviser Advisers to Donald Trump said his cleaning out Gaza comment referred to a long-range plan to make it habitable 05.02.2025 0:39 How Trumps Trade War Could Affect Climate Change President Trumps tariffs could threaten supply chains in the renewable energy industry and disrupt oil and gas markets. 05.02.2025 0:44 Super Bowl: US-Pr?sident Donald Trump kommt zum Finale der NFL Die B?hne wird riesig sein, und er will sie nutzen: Donald Trump plant offenbar einen Besuch im Stadion beim Super Bowl als ... 05.02.2025 0:45 What Are Book Blurbs, and How Much Do They Matter in Publishing? An announcement from Simon & Schusters publisher left the literary community wondering whether blurbs, the little snippets of praise on a book jacket, are all theyre cracked up to be. 05.02.2025 0:51 Curry, wagyu beef drive record Japanese food exports in 2024 - Nikkei Asia 05.02.2025 0:52 How the worlds richest man laid waste to the US government Elon Musk has achieved astonishing power in Trumps administration and spent the weekend wielding it Since declaring his support for Donald Trump in July of last year and subsequently spending more than $250m on his re-election ... ... 05.02.2025 0:55 Kasachstan: Regierung l?sst Schuldfrage nach Flugzeugabsturz offen Vieles deutete nach dem Flugzeugabsturz mit 38 Toten auf die russische Flugabwehr. Nun f?hrt Kasachstans Regierung ?u?ere ... 05.02.2025 0:55 The Minor Events That May Have Sparked a Major Aviation Tragedy An aerospace expert explains how communication standards impact aircraft safety and what we still dont know about the D.C. plane crash. 05.02.2025 0:58 Buffy-Comeback: Warum die Serie so gut gealtert ist und kaum rebootet werden muss Die Vampirj?gerin Buffy kommt offenbar zur?ck. Richtig viel rebooten muss man dabei nicht. Schlie?lich hat die Serie fr?h ... 05.02.2025 1:01 Gr?nland verbietet ausl?ndische Spenden: Einfluss auf Wahlkampf soll einged?mmt werden Gr?nland will im M?rz ein neues Parlament w?hlen. Nun untersagt die Insel anonyme und ausl?ndische Spenden. Das hat auch mit ... 05.02.2025 1:05 Fuji TV sex scandal was not a surprise in Japan's mediascape - Nikkei Asia 05.02.2025 1:12 About 100,000 eggs worth $40K stolen from trailer in Pennsylvania Thieves poached about 100,000 eggs from the back of a distribution trailer, authorities in Pennsylvania said. 05.02.2025 1:13 Swedish police say 11 people dead in ?rebro campus attack Victims still being identified after what Swedens PM says was the worst mass shooting in the countrys historyPolice have said 11 people have been killed and six others taken to hospital after a campus shooting in the southern ... ... 05.02.2025 1:13Amazon to face legal action after Quebec warehouse closures trigger mass layoffs A union that represents some Montreal Amazon workers said it will petition a court to compel the company to reopen the warehouses and reverse the job cuts. 05.02.2025 1:16 Scientists Are Starting to Track Bird Flu in Farm Wastewater Testing wastewater could be a quick way to detect and manage H5N1 on farms. 05.02.2025 1:20 Tiger Woods announces his mother, Kultida Woods, has died Tiger Woods announced Feb. 4 that his mother has died. 05.02.2025 1:21 Kubota to dig deeper in India, North America with $3bn R&D buildup - Nikkei Asia 05.02.2025 1:27How plausible is Trumps plan to send 30,000 deportees to Guantanamo? Donald Trump wants to send up to 30,000 undocumented immigrants to the US military base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 05.02.2025 1:46 BREAKING NEWS: Trump says "fine" China announced retaliatory tariffs against U.S. BREAKING NEWS: Trump says "fine" China announced retaliatory tariffs against U.S.
==KyodoRead full story here 05.02.2025 1:46The Fed could find itself in a policy Catch-22 if tariffs spike inflation and slow growth Many economists expect the tariffs both to raise prices and shave the pace of gross domestic product. 05.02.2025 1:47Is US President Donald Trump using tariffs as a negotiating tactic? US trade taxes on Canada and Mexico have been paused for 30 days. 05.02.2025 1:57 Groenland : ?lections l?gislatives fix?es au 11 mars 05.02.2025 1:58 Want Eggs With Your Breakfast? Pay a Surcharge, Waffle House Says. The restaurant chain, which serves breakfast all day, said it was adding the temporary 50-cent surcharge because the bird flu has caused a shortage in the egg supply. 05.02.2025 1:59 China's state-backed labs provide a lifeline for U.S.-blacklisted chip suppliers - Nikkei Asia Страницы: 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 |