| 01.01.2025 22:24Passengers Say Turkish Airlines Flights Have Bedbugs Passengers on several of the carrier’s flights said the biting pests were on seats, blankets and in overhead bins and that the airline did not take action.01.01.2025 15:00Is This the Year Laos Breaks Through? The Southeast Asian country has lagged behind Vietnam and Thailand when it comes to tourism. The government hopes new hotels, roads and a train system will put Laos on visitors’ lists.01.01.2025 14:10Aaron Brown, CNN Anchor During the Sept. 11 Attacks, Dies at 76 He was still in training when he was rushed into live coverage of the collapse of the World Trade Center, and his broadcast became one of the enduring records of the day.01.01.2025 9:27Inside the Y2K Crisis That Never Was, 25 Years Later Planes didn’t fall from the sky on Jan. 1, 2000. A technology reporter who wrote a front-page article early that morning reflects on a crisis that never was.01.01.2025 8:40Xi Jinping, China’s Leader, Nods to Economic Challenges In a New Year’s address, Xi Jinping made a rare acknowledgment of the flagging economy while reiterating the government’s growth targets.01.01.2025 2:08Stock Market Set for More Gains in 2025, Analysts Predict The S&P 500 posted back-to-back annual gains of more than 20 percent for the first time since the late 1990s. Analysts expect stocks to continue rising in 2025.31.12.2024 23:47How to Score an Upgrade to First Class on Your Next Flight Airlines are offering more ways than ever to get a taste of the champagne skies, but how do you get past the curtain, and when is it worth the cost? Here are some tips.31.12.2024 21:37Role of Concrete Wall Near Runway Questioned in South Korea Plane Crash Aviation safety analysts said they expect officials investigating the crash, which killed 179 people, to look into the location and composition of a structure housing an antenna.31.12.2024 21:28Chinese Companies Have Sidestepped Trump’s Tariffs. They Could Do It Again. The companies have found plenty of new channels to the U.S. market — demonstrating the potential limits of the tariffs Donald Trump has promised to impose.31.12.2024 21:05The Top Movies of 2024: вЂ?Wicked’ and Nine Sequels Box office returns have started to stabilize. But nine of the top 10 box office hits this year were sequels. And the 10th was “Wicked.”31.12.2024 20:34Dark Doldrums Overshadow Europe’s Energy Markets Periods of low sun and wind, a weather pattern known as a Dunkelflaute, can increase electricity prices and stoke political tensions.31.12.2024 17:13Boeing Shares Drop After South Korea Plane Crash A widely used Boeing aircraft, the 737-800, was involved in Sunday’s crash-landing of a Jeju Air flight that killed 179 people.31.12.2024 17:00The Atlantic Beefs Up Politics Coverage Under Trump The magazine is recruiting from a crosstown rival, The Washington Post, to bolster its political staff.31.12.2024 13:35China Hacked Treasury Dept. in вЂ?Major’ Breach, U.S. Says The episode comes at a particularly sensitive moment, just as the Biden White House is dealing with one of the most far-reaching, and damaging, hacks into American infrastructure in the cyberage.31.12.2024 10:12Migrant Chinese Muslims in NYC Say They Now Fear Trump At a shelter in the Flushing area of New York, Hui Muslims who fled oppression in China are concerned about the president-elect’s vows to tighten asylum policy.31.12.2024 5:49The 2024 Good Tech Awards In a year of continued A.I. progress, “founder mode” drama and a Trump election win, a few tech projects stood out for their clear benefits to humanity.31.12.2024 1:39The Men Who Use Instagram to Groom Child Influencers Photographers and other men offer to build online followings for young girls, but some are pedophiles who work with parents to sexualize them.31.12.2024 0:39Video of South Korea Plane Crash Offers Clues to Cause, but No Immediate Answers The cause of the crash probably won’t be determined for months, with investigators expected to focus on a wide range of issues.30.12.2024 22:23Jimmy Carter Was Right About Materialism but, Alas, Wrong About Us “Too many of us now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption,” he said in his 1979 “Crisis of Confidence” speech. If only we had listened.30.12.2024 16:24Russland: Wie sehr bedroht die Schattenflotte in der Ostsee Europas Infrastruktur? Der russische Tanker В»Eagle SВ« soll ein Stromkabel in der Ostsee sabotiert haben. Laut Forschern kГ¶nnten Hunderte solcher Schiffe in nordischen GewГ¤ssern kreuzen. Europas Infrastruktur ist bedroht.30.12.2024 15:00Lebanon’s Economy Reels From Israel-Hezbollah War The conflict between Israel and Hezbollah may be suspended, but the damage is immense. “We came out of this war with nothing,” one man said.30.12.2024 14:53Volocopter: Flugtaxi-Start-up ist insolvent - kurz vor geplantem Marktstart Investor dringend gesucht: Der Flugtaxihersteller Volocopter hat Insolvenz angemeldet – wenige Monate vor dem geplanten Marktstart. Nun hoffen die Badener auf ein Г¤hnliches Happy End wie beim Konkurrenten Lilium.30.12.2024 14:01Verbraucherpreise: So verteuert die hГ¶here COв‚‚-Abgabe das Heizen, Tanken und Reisen Die nГ¤chste Stufe der COв‚‚-Bepreisung steht an: Ab Januar steigen die Kosten fГјr Verbraucher noch moderat, wie SPIEGEL-Berechnungen zeigen. Teurer wird es in den Folgejahren. Sorgt die kГјnftige Regierung fГјr einen Ausgleich?30.12.2024 12:58Siemens erwГ¤gt Verkauf von Medizintechniktochter Healthineers 75 Prozent der Anteile hГ¤lt Siemens an seiner Medizintechniktochter – noch. Der Konzern ГјberprГјft seine Beteiligung im Wert von 45 Milliarden Euro. Eine andere Sparte soll hingegen im Konzern bleiben.30.12.2024 10:50Krankenkassen kГјndigen fГјr 2026 erneut hГ¶here BeitragssГ¤tze an Im Schnitt um 0,8 Prozentpunkte steigen die BeitragssГ¤tze 2025 – und so wird es wohl weitergehen: Auch 2026 wird die gesetzliche Krankenversicherung wohl teurer, warnt der Dachverband.30.12.2024 4:32Ostsee: Ermittler finden Schleifspur am Meeresboden - Anker soll Datenkabel zerstГ¶rt haben В»Die Spur ist Dutzende Kilometer langВ«: BehГ¶rden in Finnland versuchen, die SchГ¤den an einer Unterwasserstromleitung aufzuklГ¤ren. Am Grund der Ostsee machten sie nun eine bemerkenswerte Entdeckung.29.12.2024 23:21Wohnen im Alter: Diese Alternativen gibt es fГјr Seniorinnen und Senioren Wie lГ¤sst es sich wГјrdevoll und selbstbestimmt im Alter wohnen, wenn ein Pflegeheim nicht infrage kommt? So funktionieren Alternativen wie Betreutes Wohnen und Demenz-WG. Die Angebote und ihre Kosten im Гњberblick.29.12.2024 22:42Ostsee: Weiteres russisches Schiff nahe Estlink-2-Datenkabel gesichtet In der Ostsee ist ein weiteres Schiff geortet worden, das Experten zu Russlands Schattenflotte zГ¤hlen. Es kreuzte in der NГ¤he der Stelle, an der zuvor ein anderer russischer Tanker ein Stromkabel beschГ¤digt haben soll.29.12.2024 18:46Kita-Krise: Wirtschaftsweise kritisiert mangelnde Kinderbetreuung in Deutschland Viele Frauen arbeiten Teilzeit, weil die Kinderbetreuung schlicht nicht funktioniert, sagt die Wirtschaftsweise Monika Schnitzer. Sie sieht auch Unternehmen in der Verantwortung.29.12.2024 15:32KryptowГ¤hrungen: Christian Lindner (FDP) plГ¤diert fГјr Reserven bei EZB und Bundesbank Donald Trump verkГјndet eine neue Г„ra fГјr KryptowГ¤hrungen. FDP-Chef Lindner spricht sich nun fГјr Bitcoin-Reserven bei EZB und Bundesbank aus. Europa dГјrfe sich nicht abhГ¤ngen lassen.29.12.2024 15:00How TSMC’s Arizona Chip Plant Seeded a Tiny Taipei in the Desert Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, a global tech giant, brought thousands of workers from Asia to the Phoenix suburbs for jobs at a plant that the Biden administration helped fund. Страницы: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 |