| 27.12.2024 10:29Nissan Shares Set to Drop Most Since August; Honda Merger Eyed Nissan Motor Co. shares are on track for their biggest plunge since an August selloff, amid speculation about the share transfer ratio for the carmaker’s planned deal with Honda Motor Co.27.12.2024 8:13Aleksandar VuДЌiД‡: „Mit Donald Trump werden wir nГ¤her an einen Frieden kommen“ Aleksandar VuДЌiД‡ spricht im Interview Гјber den Umgang mit Donald Trump, Xi Jinping und Wladimir Putin sowie Гјber seine Hoffnungen auf ein Ende des Krieges in der Ukraine.27.12.2024 8:00Essay: Warum es Musk und Co. so einfach haben – und wie mehr Freiheit das Land befrieden kГ¶nnte Wer die Polarisierung im Wahlkampf fГјrchtet, Гјbersieht: Das Zerfasern der Gesellschaft ist nicht einfach passiert, sondern Ergebnis falscher Wirtschaftspolitik. Vier Schritte helfen. Ein Essay.27.12.2024 8:00Interview: Till Reiners zum Гњbernachten im Hotel – „Ab 100 Euro mГ¶chte ich auch ein bisschenВ belogen werden“ Till Reiners schlГ¤ft so hГ¤ufig in Hotels wie GeschГ¤ftsreisende – aber kann unterhaltsamer davon erzГ¤hlen. Etwa von der Nacht, als im Zimmer nebenan Sido feierte oder wann er Motel One meidet.27.12.2024 8:00Podcasts und Serien: Was Sie in diesem Jahr noch schauen und hГ¶ren sollten FГјnf Podcasts, fГјnf Serien: Alle drehen sich irgendwie um Geld. Das Handelsblatt-Wochenend-Team empfiehlt HГ¶rstГјcke und bewegte Bilder aus diesem Jahr, die sich jetzt noch lohnen.27.12.2024 7:59Iron Ore Hits Five-Week Low as Traders Fret About Chinese Demand Iron ore sank to the lowest in more than five weeks — falling below $100 a ton — as poor industrial profits in China highlighted the nation’s economic weakness, although mills’ performance did improve.27.12.2024 7:22Klima: Bilanz des Bundes: Bereits 1,2 Milliarden fГјr NatГјrlichen Klimaschutz Mit den Geldern sollen GewГ¤sser wieder in naturnahen Zustand gebracht werden und WГ¤lder klimagerecht umgestaltet. Die Bundesregierung hatte das Programm im MГ¤rz 2023 aufgelegt.27.12.2024 6:57E-Autohersteller: Verdacht auf Menschenhandel bei BYD-Fabrik in Brasilien Brasilianische BehГ¶rden haben 163 Arbeiter als Opfer von Menschenhandel eingestuft. Das Unternehmen widerspricht der Ansicht der BehГ¶rden.27.12.2024 6:07Chinese Bonds Post Best Returns in Decade With More Gains Seen Chinese government bonds are primed for their best year in a decade, with local fund managers and strategists predicting more gains for 2025.27.12.2024 6:05Bitcoin Rally Fizzles as Token’s Record-Breaking Year Winds Down A Bitcoin rally is fizzling in the final days of a record-breaking year for the digital asset, as investors assess the remaining impetus from President-elect Donald Trump’s embrace of the cryptocurrency sector.27.12.2024 4:25Richard Parsons, Serial Fixer of Media and Finance Giants, Dies at 76 Mr. Parsons’s lengthy rГ©sumГ© is a catalog of corporate emergencies at Time Warner, Citigroup and the Los Angeles Clippers.27.12.2024 4:14Branchenausblick: Steuern, Kosten, BГјrokratie – Unternehmen sehen 2025 kein Ende der Wirtschaftskrise TrГјbe Lage, dГјstere Aussichten, weniger Investitionen und mehr Stellenabbau – das Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft hat 49 WirtschaftsverbГ¤nde befragt. Doch es gibt auch Lichtblicke.27.12.2024 4:07Verbraucherpreise: BauernprГ¤sident rechnet weiterhin mit hohen Butterpreisen BauernprГ¤sident Joachim Rukwied vergleicht Butter mit Dubai-Schokolade. Knappheit auf dem Milchmarkt wГјrden die Preise weiterhin oben halten.27.12.2024 4:00China’s Local-Finance Cleanup Opens New Chapter With State Firms China’s latest measures to deal with the financial risks of local officials have centered on a massive debt-swap plan, but a companion step is now drawing attention as a possible new tool.27.12.2024 3:11Equities Are the Better Option in 2025, Says Hyman Simeon Hyman, Profund Advisors head of investment strategy, talks about his investment outlook for 2025. (Source: Bloomberg)27.12.2024 3:05AI, Trump Are Keys for Korea Stock Picks Amid Political Upheaval While political crisis looms large over South Korea’s $1.6 trillion equity market heading into 2025, the artificial intelligence boom and Donald Trump’s presidency remain key factors for stock pickers.27.12.2024 2:12+++ Nahost +++: Tote bei Zusammenstößen mit Assad-AnhГ¤ngern in Syrien FГјnf Journalisten bei Angriff auf Gaza getГ¶tet +++ Streit Гјber Geisel-Liste behindert Fortschritte bei Gaza-VerhandlungВ +++ Der Newsblog.27.12.2024 1:50Argentina Sells Most FX Reserves Since 2019 on Importer Demand Argentina’s central bank on Thursday sold the most foreign reserves in one day since October 2019 after officials eliminated a key tax on imports, igniting corporate demand for dollars.27.12.2024 1:15Indien: Indiens frГјherer Premierminister Singh gestorben Manmohan Singh galt als Architekt derВ wirtschaftlichen Г–ffnung von Indien. Nun ist er im Alter von 92 Jahren gestorben.26.12.2024 23:40Repo Rates Rise Even After Fed Tweak Meant to Dampen Volatility Key rates tied to the US overnight funding market are rising, even after the Federal Reserve adjusted some of its tools in an effort to rein in volatility.26.12.2024 22:58Colombia Swap Rates Jump as New Minimum Wage Fuels Fiscal Woes Colombia’s swap rates surged across the curve following a surprisingly large minimum wage increase that added to expectations that the central bank will further slow down the pace of interest rate cuts.26.12.2024 22:17California Economy Feels the Pain of Hollywood Studio Troubles Film production has failed to bounce back after major strikes last year, and competition from other locales has gotten stiffer.26.12.2024 21:51 Bloomberg Surveillance 12/26/2024 Jonathan Ferro, Lisa Abramowicz and Annmarie Hordern speak daily with leaders and decision makers from Wall Street to Washington and beyond. No other program better positions investors and executives for the trading day. Click here to subscribe to the free daily Surveillance newsletter - https://www.bloomberg.com/account/newsletters/surveillance (Source: Bloomberg)26.12.2024 20:57Soybeans Advance in Light Trading as Weather Stays in Focus Soybean futures edged higher in Chicago amid light post-holiday trading. Corn and wheat also eked out gains.26.12.2024 20:09Raw Sugar Extends Losses on Bets for Improving 2025 Supplies Raw sugar futures extended their retreat, hitting the lowest since September, on expectations that global supplies in 2025 will turn out better than initially anticipated.26.12.2024 19:57Should Investors Worry About Market Turmoil Under Trump? Readers have concerns that President-elect Trump’s policy agenda will unsettle stocks. If you’re tempted to make big portfolio moves, revisit 2020.26.12.2024 18:00Trump’s вЂ?Made in USA’ Bitcoin Is Promise Impossible to Keep As Donald Trump prepares to fulfill a lengthy list of campaign promises, the president-elect’s vow to ensure that all remaining Bitcoin is “made in the USA” may prove to be one of the most challenging to keep.26.12.2024 17:00As Retailers Offered Holiday Discounts, Shoppers Showed Up Total spending from Nov. 1 through Dec. 24 rose 3.8 percent, data released by Mastercard SpendingPulse showed.26.12.2024 15:01How A.I. Could Reshape the Economic Geography of America As the technology is widely adopted, some once-struggling midsize cities in the Midwest, Mid-Atlantic and South may benefit, new research predicts.26.12.2024 15:00Why Taiwan’s Foxconn, an iPhone Supplier, Is Investing in Texas and Thailand The Apple supplier has spent millions in the United States, India and Mexico over the past two years to lessen its dependence on China.23.12.2024 22:09As вЂ?Squid Game’ Season 2 Drops, Netflix Hopes to Recapture the Magic The success of the show’s first season surprised Netflix executives, reaffirming the company’s global strategy. Страницы: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 |