| 21.03.2024 9:07Israelis Craft Secret Plan to Put Anti-Hamas Palestinians in Charge of Gaza Aid Top Israeli defense official seeks regional support for a plan to enlist Palestinian leaders, with no links to Hamas, for aid distribution and eventually a Palestinian-led governing authority. ... 21.03.2024 9:07Closed Book Stores, Canceled Shows: A Sad Silence Descends on Hong Kong No corner of Hong Kong’s society has been left untouched by China’s tightening grip on the metropolis. ... 21.03.2024 9:06Russian Threat Forces Europe to Choose: Bolster Defense or Protect Social Spending War and U.S. disputes have exposed gaps in Europe’s military capabilities that would take years to plug, even if governments make military spending a political priority. ... 21.03.2024 9:01Shipping executive Angela Chao had nearly three times the legal limit of alcohol in her system when she drove a Tesla into a pond and drowned in Texas, a law-enforcement report said. Shipping executive Angela Chao had nearly three times the legal limit of alcohol in her system when she drove a Tesla into a pond and drowned in Texas, a law-enforcement report said. ... 21.03.2024 9:01Legal turmoil over a Texas plan to arrest and deport migrants left state and border residents confused about whether the law would be allowed to take effect. Legal turmoil over a Texas plan to arrest and deport migrants left state and border residents confused about whether the law would be allowed to take effect. ... 21.03.2024 9:01House Speaker Mike Johnson indicated that he wanted to move ahead quickly with legislation to avoid a government shutdown this weekend, ignoring some of his GOP critics. House Speaker Mike Johnson indicated that he wanted to move ahead quickly with legislation to avoid a government shutdown this weekend, ignoring some of his GOP critics. ... 21.03.2024 9:01The Biden administration enacted the strictest rules for tailpipe emissions so far, but gave the auto industry more time to comply, recognizing that the transition to electric cars will take longer than hoped. The Biden administration enacted the strictest rules for tailpipe emissions so far, but gave the auto industry more time to comply, recognizing that the transition to electric cars will take longer than h ... 21.03.2024 9:01Reddit priced its initial public offering at the high end of its targeted range, a sign that investor enthusiasm for new issues could be returning. Reddit priced its initial public offering at the high end of its targeted range, a sign that investor enthusiasm for new issues could be returning. ... 21.03.2024 9:01The S&P 500 closed up 0.9% to 5224.62, while the Nasdaq and Dow gained 1.3% and 1%, respectively. The S&P 500 closed up 0.9% to 5224.62, while the Nasdaq and Dow gained 1.3% and 1%, respectively. ... 21.03.2024 9:01The stock market rose to new highs when a narrow majority of Fed officials reaffirmed projections to cut interest rates three times this year despite firmer-than-anticipated inflation in recent months. The stock market rose to new highs when a narrow majority of Fed officials reaffirmed projections to cut interest rates three times this year despite firmer-than-anticipated inflation in recent months. ... 21.03.2024 9:01The U.S. granted Intel up to $8.5 billion to help fund new chip plants in four states, the largest award yet in an effort to revive American chip-making overseen by the Biden administration. The U.S. granted Intel up to $8.5 billion to help fund new chip plants in four states, the largest award yet in an effort to revive American chip-making overseen by the Biden administration. ... 21.03.2024 9:00Why the Panama Canal Didn’t Lose Money When Ship Crossings Fell A water shortage forced officials to reduce traffic, but higher fees increased revenue.21.03.2024 5:22Delta Passenger Boarded Flight Using Photo of Another Ticket By taking pictures of other passengers’ boarding passes on their phones, the man was able to board a Delta Air Lines flight in Salt Lake City on Sunday, according to a federal complaint.21.03.2024 5:00Angela Chao Was Intoxicated When She Died in Car Wreck, Police Report Shows The Blanco County Sheriff’s Office in Texas called the Feb. 10 episode, in which the shipping executive drove her Tesla into a pond at a family ranch, an “unfortunate accident.”21.03.2024 4:51Intel Receives $8.5 Billion in Grants to Build Chip Plants The award, announced by President Biden at a plant in Arizona, is the biggest the government has made under a new program that aims to rebuild the nation’s semiconductor manufacturing industry.21.03.2024 4:47CondГ© Nast’s Owners Set to Reap a $1.4 Billion Windfall From Reddit The Newhouse family, which controls the Advance media empire, made a 2006 investment of $10 million in the social site, which plans to go public on Thursday.21.03.2024 3:12Iceland’s Tourism Suffers Amid a Belching Volcano and Flowing Lava In a country that relies heavily on visitors, hotels faced repeated evacuations, and one resort was temporarily shut.21.03.2024 2:09Fed Holds Rates Steady and Projects Three Cuts This Year Federal Reserve officials kept interest rates at 5.3 percent and projected they would lower borrowing costs in 2024 as the Fed chair struck a watchful tone.21.03.2024 0:42Martin Greenfield, Tailor to Sinatra, Obama, Trump and Shaq, Dies at 95 He dressed six presidents, coached designers and made thousands of suits for TV shows and movies. But his beginnings were dismal: He learned to sew at Auschwitz.20.03.2024 23:40UFC Settles Antitrust Suit With Fighters for $335 Million The organization’s parent company admitted no wrongdoing but agreed to pay the fighters, who had accused it of suppressing their pay.20.03.2024 23:00U.S. Debt Races Toward Record This Decade, C.B.O. Warns Recently passed spending limits have slightly improved the nation’s fiscal outlook.20.03.2024 19:47Boeing: Pannenserie kostet Unternehmen Milliarden Die anhaltende Pannenserie bei Boeing kommt den ohnehin schon kriselnden US-Konzern teuer zu stehen: Der Konzern rechnet allein im ersten Quartal mit einem negativen Cashflow von bis zu 4,5 Milliarden Dollar.20.03.2024 18:30TragfГ¤higkeitsbericht: BMF warnt vor explodierender Staatsverschuldung Die Gesellschaft altert, die Konjunktur schwГ¤chelt – und die Staatsausgaben steigen. FГјr die finanzielle TragfГ¤higkeit des Staates kann das laut einem aktuellen Bericht langfristig zu einem groГџen Problem werden.20.03.2024 18:16Migration: EingeschrГ¤nkte Gesundheitsleistungen fГјr Asylbewerber sparen keine Gesundheitskosten CDU-Chef Merz hatte Migranten vorgeworfen, das deutsche Gesundheitssystem auszunutzen. Durch die verlГ¤ngerte Wartezeit erhoffte sich die Union Einsparungen В»im dreistelligen MillionenbereichВ«. Doch die MaГџnahme blieb ohne Erfolg.20.03.2024 17:38Arbeitsmarkt: Hubertus Heils Job-Turbo zeigt erste Fortschritte bei GeflГјchteten aus der Ukraine Wie integriert man geflГјchtete Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainer besser in den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt? Die Bundesregierung setzt mit dem sogenannten Jobturbo auch auf mehr Kontakt und zieht eine erste Zwischenbilanz.20.03.2024 17:32Wie FГјhrungskrГ¤fte ihre Werte finden Ob in der Unternehmensvision oder in der Teamarbeit: Von FГјhrungswerten ist hГ¤ufig die Rede. Aber wissen Sie wirklich, was Ihnen wichtig ist? Beantworten Sie diese fГјnf Fragen, um sich besser kennenzulernen.20.03.2024 16:59Kabinett beschlieГџt Hafenstrategie und will auslГ¤ndische Einstiege stГ¤rker prГјfen 60 Prozent des AuГџenhandels gehen Гјber die deutschen HГ¤fen, doch Гјber Ausrichtung, Finanzierung und Investoren herrscht Streit. Eine neue Strategie soll nun ihre weltweit wichtige Rolle sichern.20.03.2024 16:49Indien: In SalzwГјste entsteht das größte Kraftwerk der Welt Es wird aus dem Weltraum sichtbar sein und kГ¶nnte die gesamte Schweiz mit Strom versorgen: In Indien entsteht das größte Projekt zur Gewinnung grГјner Energie – hinter dem Projekt steckt eine Familie, die mit Kohle reich wurde.20.03.2024 14:37Deutsche Wirtschaft schrumpft wohl auch wegen Schuldenbremse – IMK der Hans-BГ¶ckler-Stiftung Die Konjunkturforscher der Hans-BГ¶ckler-Stiftung warnen vor konjunkturell dГјsteren Zeiten. Die deutsche Wirtschaft kГ¶nne 2024 erneut schrumpfen, auch wegen der rigiden deutschen Haushaltspolitik.20.03.2024 11:27Г–sterreich macht fГјr seine AbhГ¤ngigkeit von russischem Gas Deutschland mitverantwortlich Г–sterreich hat zuletzt fast sein gesamtes importiertes Gas aus Russland bezogen. Das Land will seine AbhГ¤ngigkeit verringern, dem stehen laut der Energieministerin aber deutsche GebГјhren im Weg.20.03.2024 7:16Ukraine: EU erhebt doch wieder Zoll auf einige Produkte - Einfuhr von Mais, Zucker, Eiern Wegen des russischen Angriffs setzte die EU ZГ¶lle auf ukrainische Importe aus. Jetzt sollen einige wieder kommen. Damit geht die EU einen weiteren Schritt auf ihre Bauern zu – zulasten der Ukraine. Страницы: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 |