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08.03.2024 21:53
TikTok Stunt Motivates Lawmakers to Take On the App U.S. lawmakers are mounting their most serious attempt to effectively either ban popular video app TikTok or separate it from its Chinese owner, advancing a bill that has more political momentum than prev ...

08.03.2024 20:28
Volkswagen: VW streicht Fertigung des ID.3 in Wolfsburg Eigentlich sollte auch im VW-Stammwerk in Wolfsburg ab Sommer das Elektromodell ID.3 gebaut werden. Doch nun hat der Konzern den Plan gestrichen, weil es an Käufern mangelt. Für einen anderen Standort ist das eine gute Nachricht.

08.03.2024 20:09
Can Joe Biden win back America? Polls give Donald Trump a slim lead over the US president in a 2024 match-up. Democrats say there’s time to turn things around

08.03.2024 19:13
Biden Targets Big Business and Billionaires The president used his State of the Union address to plug his economic record and announce a policy wish list that involves raising taxes on multinationals and the wealthy.

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