| 19.07.2024 9:01People who inherit retirement accounts have 10 years to take out the money, and most of them must take out a minimum amount each year, under new IRS rules. People who inherit retirement accounts have 10 years to take out the money, and most of them must take out a minimum amount each year, under new IRS rules. ... 19.07.2024 9:01Evan Gershkovich, the Wall Street Journal reporter falsely accused of spying,attendeda Russian court for a closed-door hearing in his espionage trial. Evan Gershkovich, the Wall Street Journal reporter falsely accused of spying, attended a Russian court for a closed-door hearing in his espionage trial. ... 19.07.2024 9:01Bud Light has tumbled to the No. 3 spot more than a year after a boycott upended the U.S. beer industry. Bud Light has tumbled to the No. 3 spot more than a year after a boycott upended the U.S. beer industry. ... 19.07.2024 9:01Volvo Cars warned that potential EU tariffs on electric vehicles from China will hit sales of one of its flagship models, the EX30 SUV. Volvo Cars warned that potential EU tariffs on electric vehicles from China will hit sales of one of its flagship models, the EX30 SUV. ... 19.07.2024 9:01Anglo American backed its guidance for key metals copper and iron ore but cut its coal-production target after a fire suspended output at a major mine. Anglo American backed its guidance for key metals copper and iron ore but cut its coal-production target after a fire suspended output at a major mine. ... 19.07.2024 9:01Netflix continued to add new customers in the second quarter and raised the low end of its forecast for full-year revenue growth. Netflix continued to add new customers in the second quarter and raised the low end of its forecast for full-year revenue growth. ... 19.07.2024 9:01Ford will boost output of its popular F-series pickup trucks with an investment of roughly $3 billion in its Ontario manufacturing site. Ford will boost output of its popular F-series pickup trucks with an investment of roughly $3 billion in its Ontario manufacturing site. ... 19.07.2024 9:01Facebook parent Meta is in talks to acquire a stake of about 5% in eyewear company EssilorLuxottica, according to people familiar with the matter. Facebook parent Meta is in talks to acquire a stake of about 5% in eyewear company EssilorLuxottica, according to people familiar with the matter. ... 19.07.2024 9:01A broad decline in U.S. stocks pushed the Dow down more than 500 points, snapping a six-session winning streak. After hitting a record the day before, the Dow fell 1.3% while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq slid 0.8% and 0.7%, respectively. A broad decline in U.S. stocks pushed the Dow down more than 500 points, snapping a six-session winning streak. After hitting a record the day before, the Dow fell 1.3% while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq sl ... 19.07.2024 7:49Lou Dobbs, Former Fox Business Host and Trump Booster, Dies at 78 He used his platforms on CNN and Fox Business to share baseless conspiracy theories. His tenure at Fox ended after the network was sued for defamation over claims of voting machine fraud.19.07.2024 5:12Netflix meldet acht Millionen neue Kunden FГјr die neuen Folgen В»BridgertonВ« fix in den Netflix-Account der Freundin einloggen – so einfach ist das nicht mehr. Der Streamingdienst geht verstГ¤rkt gegen sogenannte Trittbrettfahrer vor. Offenbar mit Erfolg.19.07.2024 3:21Executives Depart Cassava, Maker of Disputed Alzheimer’s Drug The chief executive and a lead scientist stepped down weeks after a federal grand jury filed fraud charges against a research collaborator.19.07.2024 3:07Deutscher Verleger darf Buchstabenspiel В»WordleВ« weiterhin anbieten Wollte Verleger Stefan Heine die New York Times Company vom RГ¤tsel-Markt verdrГ¤ngen? Das hatte das Medienhaus dem Hamburger vorgeworfen – ohne Erfolg. Ein Gericht wies die Klage nun ab.19.07.2024 2:45Biden’s Student Loan Repayment Plan Blocked by Federal Appeals Court Eight million borrowers who are enrolled in the plan, known as SAVE, are left in limbo after a series of rulings tied to two lawsuits brought by Republican-led states.19.07.2024 2:19Tucker Carlson, Ousted by Fox, Roars Into Milwaukee as a Top Trump Ally After time away from the spotlight, the right-wing host is increasingly welcomed by Trump’s inner circle. He also made a surprise visit to Fox’s convention studio.19.07.2024 2:16WNBA Players Seek Expert Advice as They Assess Next Union Contract With the league’s popularity rising, players have never had more leverage when it comes to issues like salaries, travel accommodations and revenue sharing.19.07.2024 2:04Bella Hadid: Neue Adidas-Kampagne sorgt fГјr Kritik Model Bella Hadid bewirbt einen Schuh, der an die Olympischen Spiele 1972 erinnern soll. Nicht nur die israelische Botschaft kritisiert, dass Adidas ausgerechnet eine PalГ¤stina-Sympathisantin engagiert.19.07.2024 0:35Ford Plans More Gas Trucks, Fewer Electric Vehicles Ford, General Motors and other automakers are slowing investments in electric vehicles and doubling down on more profitable gasoline cars and trucks.18.07.2024 23:05Dr. Oetker: Carl Oetker wechselt ins Topmanagement Dr. Oetker hat seine internationale GeschГ¤ftsfГјhrung erweitert – und wieder ein Familienmitglied in das Management entsandt. Der oberste Chef hat Carl Oetker zuvor lange beobachten kГ¶nnen.18.07.2024 22:00Elterngeld: Betriebe leiden nur kurzfristig unter lГ¤ngeren Elternzeiten Durch die EinfГјhrung des Elterngeldes 2007 nahmen viele Eltern lГ¤ngere Auszeiten. Zumindest langfristig kГ¶nnen Unternehmen die so entstandenen LГјcken bei der BeschГ¤ftigung laut einer neuen Studie abfedern.18.07.2024 20:52Hamburg: Klaus-Michael KГјhne prГ¤sentiert einen Rettungsplan fГјr den Elbtower LogistikmilliardГ¤r Klaus-Michael KГјhne stellt seine Idee zur Rettung des einstigen Prestigeprojekts in der Hamburger HafenCity vor. Er verlangt ein groГџes Engagement der Stadt, womГ¶glich auch monetГ¤r.18.07.2024 20:27Saudi-Arabien: Airline will Flugtaxi-Service nach Mekka anbieten Die arabische Fluggesellschaft Saudia kauft bis zu 100 elektrische Flugtaxis – unter anderem, um Passagiere von Dschidda ins Pilgerziel Mekka zu fliegen. DafГјr setzt sie auf das Start-up Lilium mit Standort in Bayern.18.07.2024 20:03Carlos Espina is a One-Man Telemundo on TikTok Carlos Espina is among a new kind of social media personalities whom politicians, especially those in the Biden White House, view as modern-day broadcasters.18.07.2024 19:29Why China Is So Interested in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan’s bounty of so-called critical minerals has enriched the country and grabbed the attention of entrepreneurs scrambling to control the ingredients needed to fight climate change.18.07.2024 19:01E.C.B. Leaves Rates Unchanged but Keeps Door Open for September The central bank left its key deposit rate at 3.75 percent as inflation in the eurozone is expected to fluctuate throughout the rest of the year.18.07.2024 18:21Biodiesel: Bauernverband prangert Betrug mit umetikettiertem PalmГ¶l an MutmaГџlicher Betrug bei Biodiesel empГ¶rt den Bauernverband. Der Lobbyverband kritisiert Importe aus Г¶kologisch fragwГјrdigen Quellen nach Deutschland – wГ¤hrend heimische Landwirte auf ihrer Ware sitzen bleiben.18.07.2024 18:01RГјckruf von Edeka-GeflГјgelwurst Gut & GГјnstig: Gefahr von Listerien Verbraucher sollen die Wurst nicht verzehren: Edeka ruft GeflГјgelwurst der Eigenmarke Gut & GГјnstig zurГјck. In einer Charge wurden Listerien gefunden. SupermГ¤rkte in elf BundeslГ¤ndern sind betroffen.18.07.2024 17:39INK zur Kaufkraft: Die meisten haben mindestens so viel Netto vom Brutto wie 2021 Die hohe Inflation hinterlГ¤sst Spuren: Die Kaufkraft besonders von Familien mit mittleren Einkommen hat in Deutschland zuletzt gelitten. Besserverdienende Singles ohne Kinder hingegen stehen gut da.18.07.2024 17:26Zinsen: EZB belГ¤sst Leitzins bei 4,25 Prozent Trotz gesunkener Inflationsrate: Die EZB hГ¤lt den Leitzins unverГ¤ndert bei 4,25 Prozent. Auch am fГјr Sparer wichtigen Einlagensatz Г¤ndert sich nichts, womГ¶glich aus Sorge Гјber die Teuerung bei Dienstleistungen.18.07.2024 17:00Atomkraftwerk Grafenrheinfeld: Brand in stillgelegtem AKW - keine Strahlung ausgetreten Im stillgelegten bayerischen Atomkraftwerk Grafenrheinfeld ist es zu einem Brand gekommen. Laut den EinsatzkrГ¤ften drang keine Strahlung nach auГџen. In dem AKW steht demnГ¤chst die Sprengung der KГјhltГјrme an.18.07.2024 13:51Yoga – Bundesverfassungsgericht lehnt Beschwerden ab: Yoga-Zentrum muss Mindestlohn zahlen Bei Yoga denkt man an Wohlsein und Entspannung. Ein Rechtsstreit in Nordrhein-Westfalen zeigt, wie knallhart es auch in dieser Branche zugeht. Страницы: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 |