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18.07.2024 4:45
18.07.2024 2:40
United Expects Lower Profits as it Cuts Ticket Prices United Airlines says its third-quarter profits will be below analyst estimates as it cuts prices to keep up with low-cost carriers. These moves are impacting the entire sector. George Ferguson of Bloomberg Intelligence discusses on Bloomberg The Close. (Source: Bloomberg)

18.07.2024 1:51
SEC Sues Ex-CEO of Digital World Alleging Securities Fraud The US Securities and Exchange Commission sued Patrick Orlando, the former chief executive of the blank-check firm that helped bring Donald Trump’s social media company public, for allegedly misleading investors about his firm’s plans for a merger.

17.07.2024 10:25
Zinsen auf Tagesgeld sinken, aber nicht für Kredite Schlechte Nachricht für Sparer: Die Leitzinssenkung der Europäischen Zentralbank haben die Banken flugs weitergereicht und die Zinsen für Tagesgeld und Festgeld gedrückt. Ganz anders sieht es bei den Zinsen für Schuldner aus.

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