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30.05.2024 13:12
30.05.2024 6:47
Southeast Asia Tourism to China Jumps After Visa Rules Ease China is regaining its status as a hotspot for Southeast Asian tourists lured by new visa-free entry programs and easier access to the mainland’s cashless payment systems, according to booking platform Klook Travel Technology Ltd.

30.05.2024 5:43
BHP Abandons $49 Billion Bid for Anglo American BHP Group has decided against making a firm offer for Anglo American Plc. It’s now walking away for now from what would have been the biggest mining deal in over a decade. Clara Ferreira Marques reports on Bloomberg Television.

29.05.2024 17:28
29.05.2024 15:47
29.05.2024 14:17
Ökonomen fordern Agenda gegen Populismus Dutzende renommierte Wissenschaftler rufen zu einer Neuausrichtung der Wirtschaftspolitik auf. Sie schlagen tiefgreifende Veränderungen vor, um dem Vertrauensverlust in die liberalen Demokratien zu begegnen.

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