| 30.04.2024 20:0097 Prozent der Spitzenverdiener in Finanzbranche sind MГ¤nner Die Dominanz der MГ¤nner im Topmanagement der europГ¤ischen Finanzbranche ist erdrГјckend, wie eine neue Untersuchung zeigt. Zugleich steigt die Zahl der EinkommensmillionГ¤re.30.04.2024 18:45Russland-Konflikt: Neue EU-Osterweiterung wГ¤re ein Sieg Гјber Wladimir Putin - Kolumne Zwanzig Jahre nach dem Beitritt ehemaliger Ostblockstaaten debattiert die EU Гјber die Aufnahme weiterer LГ¤nder der Region. Wenn die EU glaubwГјrdig bleiben will, darf sie ihr Ukraineversprechen nicht brechen.30.04.2024 18:04Thyssenkrupp: Politiker kritisieren Management bei Demonstration von Stahlkochern Tausende Stahlkocher haben fГјr den Erhalt ihrer Jobs und gegen die FГјhrung bei Thyssenkrupp demonstriert. UnterstГјtzung bekamen sie von Politikern, die das Konzernmanagement hart angingen.30.04.2024 15:54Mindestlohn: Verdi und GrГјne fГјr ErhГ¶hung auf 15 Euro Die GrГјnen kritisieren den Mindestlohn schon lange als zu niedrig. Nun fordert die Partei gemeinsam mit Ver.di eine deutliche Anpassung. UnterstГјtzung kommt von der SPD.30.04.2024 15:46Г–l aus Russland: Versicherer beklagen Flop bei Preisdeckel fГјr Wladimir Putins Г–l Mit einem Preisdeckel fГјr russisches Г–l wollte der Westen den Kreml fГјr den Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine bestrafen. Doch bei der Durchsetzung hakt es. Nun schlГ¤gt die Versicherungsbranche Alarm.30.04.2024 15:32Elon Musk dГјnnt Tesla-Management aus В»Wir mГјssen bei den Kosten absolut hart seinВ«: Tesla trennt sich von zwei weiteren Topmanagern – ihre Teams gehen gleich mit. Konzernchef Musk wird in einer Mail deutlich.30.04.2024 15:31DFB-AusrГјsterwechsel zu Nike: Adidas-Chef Gulden nimmt Wechsel gelassen Der Wechsel des DFB zu AusrГјster Nike sorgt fГјr groГџes Aufsehen. Adidas-Chef Gulden gibt sich nun entspannt – und stichelt ein wenig gegen die Konkurrenz.30.04.2024 13:22Arbeitsmarkt: Arbeitslosenzahl geht zurГјck – aber nur ein bisschen Die FrГјhjahrsbelebung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt fГ¤llt in diesem Jahr nur verhalten aus, weil die Konjunktur weiter schwГ¤chelt. Immerhin lГ¤uft es bei den Lehrstellen etwas besser.30.04.2024 13:04Deutsche Wirtschaft im ersten Quartal leicht gewachsen Die deutsche Wirtschaft ist der Rezession entgangen. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt in Deutschland ist von Januar bis MГ¤rz um 0,2 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorquartal gestiegen. Treiber des Wachstums: Bau und Exporte.30.04.2024 12:48Verbraucherpreise: Brot und BrГ¶tchen deutlich teurer geworden Brot und BrГ¶tchen haben sich in Deutschland in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich stГ¤rker verteuert als die Verbraucherpreise insgesamt. Statistiker haben Vermutungen, woran das liegt – und auch gute Nachrichten.30.04.2024 9:02Columbia set a new deadline to clear a pro-Palestinian encampment as pressure mounted on university officials over their response to protests on campus. Columbia set a new deadline to clear a pro-Palestinian encampment as pressure mounted on university officials over their response to protests on campus. ... 30.04.2024 9:01Hydrogen Offers Germany a Chance to Take a Lead in Green Energy A subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp, Germany’s venerable steel producer, is landing major deals for a device that makes the clean-burning gas from water.30.04.2024 9:01Philips said it reached a $1.1 billion settlement in the U.S. related to its Respironics ventilators and backed its full-year guidance. Philips said it reached a $1.1 billion settlement in the U.S. related to its Respironics ventilators and backed its full-year guidance. ... 30.04.2024 9:01A new nuclear reactor reached commercial operation in Georgia, completing a project whose delays and sticker shock helped upend the near-term prospects for nuclear power in the U.S. A new nuclear reactor reached commercial operation in Georgia, completing a project whose delays and sticker shock helped upend the near-term prospects for nuclear power in the U.S. ... 30.04.2024 9:01A surge in Tesla stock helped the U.S. market extend its rally. The S&P 500 gained 0.3% and the Dow and Nasdaq both rose 0.4%. A surge in Tesla stock helped the U.S. market extend its rally. The S&P 500 gained 0.3% and the Dow and Nasdaq both rose 0.4%. ... 30.04.2024 9:01Beijing cleared Tesla to roll out its advanced driver-assistance service in China as Musk seeks to expand the use of the technology globally. Beijing cleared Tesla to roll out its advanced driver-assistance service in China as Musk seeks to expand the use of the technology globally. ... 30.04.2024 9:01Lawmakers are proposing to compel institutional owners of single-family rental homes to sell houses to family buyers facing scarce supply and high prices. Lawmakers are proposing to compel institutional owners of single-family rental homes to sell houses to family buyers facing scarce supply and high prices. ... 30.04.2024 9:00Binance’s Founder Plans a Comeback Even as He Faces Prison Time Since pleading guilty to violating money-laundering rules, Changpeng Zhao, who ran the giant crypto exchange Binance, has networked across the United States to set up his next act.30.04.2024 7:53All New U.S. Cars Must Carry Automatic Brakes by 2029 The technology is already sold on most vehicles, but a new federal safety regulation raises the standards.30.04.2024 6:53Bob Bakish, Paramount CEO, Steps Down as Company Weighs Merger Bob Bakish was once a staunch ally of Shari Redstone, Paramount’s controlling shareholder. His departure comes as the company considers a major merger.30.04.2024 4:03How Supplement Stores Are Trying to Tap Into the Ozempic Boom GNC and the Vitamin Shoppe are redesigning displays and taking other steps to appeal to people who are taking or are interested in drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy.30.04.2024 3:04Elon Musk Reaches Deals in China on Self-Driving Teslas Elon Musk met with the country’s premier, a longtime Tesla ally, and secured regulatory nods and a necessary partnership with a Chinese tech company.30.04.2024 2:21A Strong U.S. Dollar Weighs on the World Two-thirds of the roughly 150 currencies have weakened against the dollar, whose strength stems from high interest rates because of stubborn inflation.29.04.2024 23:00Skydance Offers Paramount a Merger Sweetener: A $3 Billion Cash Infusion The terms of the new deal would provide Paramount shareholders with an investment to pay down debt and buy back stock.29.04.2024 21:50Inflation Is Stubborn. Is the Federal Budget Deficit Making It Worse? Economists are divided over whether the growing amount of federal borrowing is fueling demand and driving up prices.29.04.2024 21:13Taylor Swift Debuts at No. 1 on Billboard 200 With вЂ?Tortured Poets Department’ Only the Beatles have more No. 1 LPs now: The pop superstar reigns atop the Billboard 200 for the 14th time with the equivalent of 2.6 million album sales.29.04.2024 20:44CPAP Lawsuits Settled for $1.1 Billion Thousands of people with sleep apnea and other illnesses had sued the company, claiming flawed devices were harming them.29.04.2024 18:29Friends From the Old Neighborhood Turn Rivals in Big Tech’s A.I. Race Demis Hassabis and Mustafa Suleyman, who both grew up in London, feared a corporate rush to build artificial intelligence. Now they’re driving that competition at Google and Microsoft.29.04.2024 17:32Why Beijing Stands to Gain from Elon Musk’s Visit Tesla’s C.E.O. appears to have landed a deal that moves the company closer to bringing fully autonomous driving to a giant market. But Beijing is keen to exploit the visit for its own purposes.29.04.2024 14:59Stowaway Cat Gets 500 Miles from Home in Amazon Returns Box Galena, a 6-year-old shorthair, was found in an Amazon warehouse a week after she climbed into a 3-by-3-foot cardboard box at her owner’s home.29.04.2024 9:01A.I. Start-Ups Face a Rough Financial Reality Check The table stakes for small companies to compete with the likes of Microsoft and Google are in the billions of dollars. And even that may not be enough. Страницы: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 |