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26.04.2024 4:20
The Onion Sold by G/O Media The satirical news website was bought by a new firm in Chicago that took inspiration for its name, Global Tetrahedron, from a book written by The Onion’s staff.

25.04.2024 20:54
Ungarn will Supermarktkette Spar verklagen Weil sie sich durch eine Sondersteuer in Ungarn diskriminiert fГјhlte, wandte sich die Supermarktkette Spar an die EU-Kommission. Deshalb will die ungarische Regierung das Unternehmen jetzt vor Gericht bringen, В»vermutlich wegen VerleumdungВ«.

25.04.2024 20:44
Argentina’s Central Bank Lowers Key Rate to 60% Argentina’s central bank cut its key interest rate for the fourth time since President Javier Milei took office in December as officials bet on a sustained slowdown in inflation in the South American nation.

25.04.2024 20:42
Wall Street Rattled by GDP Data Jim Caron, Co-CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group at Morgan Stanley Investment Management breaks down the latest GDP data. He speaks with Tom Keene and Paul Sweeney on Bloomberg Radio. Get more on the Bloomberg Surveillance Podcast: Apple: http://bit.ly/3OPtReI Spotify: http://bit.ly/42xmHPz Anywhere: http://bit.ly/3oOD8ZH (Source: Bloomberg)

25.04.2024 18:21
Micron: USA pumpen weitere Milliarden in Chip-Hersteller US-Präsident Joe Biden will die Abhängigkeit von asiatischen Halbleiterproduzenten verringern. Jetzt kündigt seine Regierung großzügige Subventionen für den Chiphersteller Micron an und hofft auf 70.000 neue Jobs.

25.04.2024 18:14
Permira Chief Sees Private Equity Shakeout With Rates High The private equity industry is facing a reckoning — with borrowing costs high, valuations for portfolio companies falling, and investors getting more demanding. But as far as Permira’s top boss is concerned, things are pretty good.

25.04.2024 9:46

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