14.12.2024 11:00Tim Dowling: was that a ghost or a small man who knows his tailoring? He certainly knows his suits In fact he appears to have worked in mens clothing since the early sixtiesWhen the oldest one was younger, and his birthday came round, I would invariably pretend not to know how old he was, as if the flight of time had overtaken me.So what are you, 30 now? I would say. Continue reading... ... 14.12.2024 11:03Comment les secours ont sauv? le capitaine dun paquebot de croisi?res au large du port de Marseille Pris dun malaise alors quil mettait le cap sur Barcelone, le commandant du Costa Fascinosa a ?t? sauv? par les marins-pompiers et les pilotes du port de Marseille. Lop?ration, rendue p?rilleuse par la m?t?o, a ?t? op?r?e avec succ?s.14.12.2024 11:08Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 1,024 Here are the key developments on the 1,024th day of the Russia-Ukraine war.14.12.2024 11:09Kyodo News Digest: Dec. 14, 2024 The following is the latest list of selected news summaries by Kyodo News.
Read full story here14.12.2024 11:09Moritz und Franz Wagner: Jugendtrainer Norbert Opitz erkl?rt ihren Erfolg und ihre Bescheidenheit Moritz und Franz Wagner stiegen in der NBA zu Multimillion?ren auf. Jugendtrainer Norbert Opitz spricht ?ber ihren Erfolg, den ... 14.12.2024 11:09Adventskalender aus Klopapierrollen: Ein Geschenk, das schiefging 24 kleine Dinge verpacken, sch?n zusammenstellen und Adventskalender dr?berschreiben, das ist doch nicht schwer, dachte ich. ... 14.12.2024 11:31Vollformat Systemkameras von Canon, Nikon, Leica, Sony und Panasonic im Test Mit Fotokameras der Vollformatklasse fotografieren Sie auf professionellem Niveau zu einem entsprechenden Preis. Ob sich die ... 14.12.2024 11:33Donald Trump, Kriege in Nahost und Ukraine, Ampel-Aus, Gisele Pelicot: 2024 in Bildern In Deutschland protestieren Bauern, ein Kaiser stirbt, die Ampel bricht. In Nahost und der Ukraine toben Kriege, einer wie Trump ... 14.12.2024 11:35Philippines to offer VAT refunds to boost tourism sector - Nikkei Asia14.12.2024 11:46What we know about the drones spotted in New Jersey and other states Mysterious drones have been showing up in the skies above New Jersey and other states for weeks, confounding residents and prompting lawmakers to call for more answers as to what exactly is going on.14.12.2024 12:00Its emotionally painful, spending every day with your ex: the couples who live with their partners after a breakup Michael and Yanna share a flat with their daughter Roza. They split the mortgage and cook breakfast together. The catch? They broke up six years ago. Meet the couples sharing a home even after separatingMichael, 55, and Yanna, 50, met in 1995, married in 2001 and broke up six years ago. They live together in Athens with their daughter, Roza, 19 Continue reading... ... 14.12.2024 12:00How can I do more to help my parents when I have a young family of my own? | Ask Annalisa Barbieri Its easy to feel guilty and useless but you have options. Be honest with yourself about what you are able to doA few months ago, my dad went into a care home. The cognitive symptoms of his Parkinsons were getting worse after 18 years and my mum could no longer look after him at home. The last time my wife and I visited him, I showed Dad some pictures of my son and he just cried in silence. Then we all cried. I knew my parents were getting older, but I am afraid of how much worse it can get. Although important people in my life have died, this feels different.I left my country of birth after university and I feel limited in the ways I can help. My mum has started drinking alone and she cant sleep without benzodiazepines. Other close family members are the same age or have distanced themselves from her. Continue reading... ... 14.12.2024 12:00Strictly Come Dancing bounces back with sparkle, sauce and pink PVC trousers The BBCs flagship show has been teetering on the brink of expulsion but it has managed to hold on to its glittering crown for another year at leastAfter being beset by scandal all summer, this was a make-or-break series for Strictly Come Dancing. Happily for viewers, the show bounced back with a spring in its step and a smile on its spray-tanned face.Not one but two male professionals departed under a cloud, following complaints of abusive behaviour from their celebrity partners. Inquiries were launched. Chaperones were introduced. The future of the BBCs ballroom behemoth looked precarious. It needed a bumper series to dispel doubts. In its landmark 20th year, the flagship franchise duly delivered. Continue reading... ... 14.12.2024 12:01G?orgie : un ex-footballeur prorusse, seul candidat de l?lection pr?sidentielle boycott?e par lopposition Un rassemblement est d?j? annonc? ce samedi matin devant le Parlement, o? un coll?ge ?lectoral contr?l? par le parti au pouvoir doit le d?signer ? lissue dun scrutin dans lequel Mikhe?l Kavelachvili est le seul candidat.14.12.2024 12:03En Gironde, plusieurs ?lus appellent ? manifester contre les coupes budg?taires de l?tat ? linitiative de Jean-Luc Gleyze, le pr?sident du d?partement de la Gironde, la manifestation organis?e ce samedi entend d?fendre les territoires et les services publics du quotidien.14.12.2024 12:24Olaf Scholz mahnt zu Besonnenheit in Debatte ?ber syrische Gefl?chtete Die Union hat sich nach dem Sturz von Syriens Diktator Assad f?r einen R?ckkehrplan f?r syrische Gefl?chtete ausgesprochen. ... 14.12.2024 12:26Wo viele schwarze US-Amerikaner eine neue Heimat finden Alles Gute vom SPIEGEL US-Amerikaner zieht es auf den afrikanischen Kontinent, um ihre kulturellen Wurzeln zu erkunden. Wovon junge Syrer in Deutschland ... 14.12.2024 12:34Texas father set house on fire with 3 children inside: police A Texas father is facing charges over allegations that he intentionally set his home on fire with his three children inside, ... 14.12.2024 12:37Protest gegen S?dkoreas Pr?sident Yoon: Mit K-Pop gegen die M?chtigen Vor dem Parlament in Seoul demonstrieren an diesem Samstag erneut Tausende Menschen gegen S?dkoreas Pr?sidenten und fordern dessen ... 14.12.2024 12:49The secret treasure trove still hidden in Africas forests Thelast biotic frontier lies hidden right above our heads in the continent's fascinating tree canopies.14.12.2024 12:50Georgias governing party set to install former footballer as new president Ex-Man City striker Mikheil Kavelashvili is only candidate standing in a vote put to politicians rather than the people.14.12.2024 12:50Georgia installs former footballer Mikheil Kavelashvili as new president Ex-Man City striker Mikheil Kavelashvili was only candidate in vote put to politicians rather than the people.14.12.2024 12:56Donald Trump will die Sommerzeit in den USA abschaffen In den USA wird, wie auch hierzulande, zweimal pro Jahr die Zeit umgestellt. Der designierte US-Pr?sident Trump hat nun erkl?rt, ... 14.12.2024 12:56South Korean president is impeached over martial law declaration South Korean lawmakers are set to vote for a second time Saturday on whether to impeach President Yoon Suk Yeol over his failed attempt to impose martial law.14.12.2024 13:00Gotta lotta bottle: doing the rounds with Britains last milkmen photo essay Their floats were once a regular sight, quietly whirring down the countrys streets, delivering daily pints. Photographer Maxine Beuret captures the vanishing world of electric milk floats (and their drivers)You often hear them before you see them: the unmistakable clink and tinkle of glass bottles in crates, and the low whine of the electric motor. Milk floats are a uniquely British sight, and an increasingly rare one, which is why the British photographer and cultural historian Maxine Beuret has spent 20 years documenting their use by dairies across England, as part of her project Two Pints Please.Beuret, who calls herself a historian of the commonplace, has documented several quirks of British culture that are at risk of disappearing (or have since gone), including slam-door commuter trains, TfLs Routemaster buses before they were decommissioned, and traditional shops in the Midlands including a sweet shop, a mens outfitters and a hardware store. She first photographed an electric milk float while undertaking another project called Familiar Interiors of Leicester her hometown in 2005. As well as creating a record of the library, the hospital, the pub and other cherished places, she visited the local dairy, Kirby & West, and instantly fell in love with the milk floats, she says. I loved the compact, functional design, clean lines, and fragile sense of history they carried with them.Overlooking the yard at Parker Dairies Continue reading... ... 14.12.2024 13:00Yotam Ottolenghis recipe for spiced plum and marzipan tart A tart alternative to traditional Christmas puddingPudding at Christmas doesnt actually need to be Christmas pudding. It feels right, though, to pinch or borrow from the best bits of other festive fare. The marzipan, orange and spices from the Christmas cake; the redcurrant jelly from the roast; the sherry from whoevers cracking on. This is my kind of dessert: alternative but traditional at the same time. Continue reading... ... 14.12.2024 13:01FLASH: S. Korea parliament passes impeachment motion against Yoon FLASH: S. Korea parliament passes impeachment motion against Yoon
==KyodoRead full story here14.12.2024 13:02Lyonnaise, de Marans ou Gauloise noire : une association veut sauver les races de poules anciennes La France est probablement le pays qui compte le plus de races anciennes de poules. Pourtant, 46 sur 47 sont aujourdhui menac?es de disparition. Dans lAin, lassociation Roule ma poule a lanc? un appel aux dons pour essayer de pr?server cette biodiversit? domestique menac?e dextinction.14.12.2024 13:03South Korean President Yoon impeached after martial law drama - Nikkei Asia14.12.2024 13:03South Korea National Assembly votes to impeach President Yoon Suk-yeol Some members of Yoon's own conservative People Power Party provided crucial votes backing the impeachment.14.12.2024 13:07S?dkorea: Parlament stimmt f?r Absetzung von Pr?sident Yoon Suk Yeol S?dkoreas Pr?sident Yoon Suk-yeol soll des Amtes enthoben werden. So hat es das Parlament in Seoul am Samstag entschieden. Der ... 14.12.2024 13:17Norwegen: Erneute Ermittlungen gegen Mette-Marits Sohn Marius Borg H?iby soll gegen ein bestehendes Kontaktverbot zu seiner Ex-Freundin versto?en haben. Die Polizei hat deshalb ... Страницы: 818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858