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05.12.2024 20:20
Mort du po?te et math?maticien Jacques Roubaud DISPARITION : L�auteur est d?c?d? ce jeudi matin ? l�?ge de 92 ans, a annonc? la maison d�?dition Gallimard. Laur?at du Goncourt de la po?sie en 2021, il laisse une ?uvre foisonnante et unique, diffus?e ? travers le monde.

05.12.2024 20:37
05.12.2024 21:29
The Most Stylish People of 2024 Our Styles desk sees �style� more broadly than the way people dress. It�s your mannerisms, the way you conduct yourself, the way you move through the world. Anthony Rotunno, a fashion news editor for The New York Times, walks us through just some of the people � and surprises � on this year�s most stylish people list.