| 05.12.2024 19:39La Russie va fermer le consulat polonais ? Saint-P?tersbourg en mesure de repr?sailles �La partie russe retire ? partir du 10 janvier 2025 son consentement au fonctionnement du Consulat g?n?ral de Pologne ? Saint-P?tersbourg�, a indiqu? le minist?re russe des Affaires ?trang?res dans un communiqu?.05.12.2024 19:41Gironde : un individu interpell? apr?s avoir bless? un homme par balle Un suspect a ?t? plac? en garde ? vue, ce jeudi, dans le cadre d�une enqu?te pour �tentative d�assassinat� men?e par la brigade de recherches gendarmerie de Libourne.05.12.2024 19:43Words found on shell casings where UnitedHealthcare CEO was shot dead, senior law enforcement official says Brian Thompson, 50, was killed in a �premeditated, preplanned targeted attack,� police said.05.12.2024 19:46Amnesty International Accuses Israel of Genocide in Gaza Israel rejected the charge � the first of its kind by a major human rights organization � saying it was �based on lies.�05.12.2024 19:48Pr?s de Cannes, un homme bless? par balles lors d�un probable r?glement de comptes, le suspect en fuite Mercredi soir, aux bords d�un restaurant asiatique de Mandelieu-La-Napoule (Alpes-Maritimes), un homme masqu? a pris pour cible deux fr?res d�une trentaine d�ann?es.05.12.2024 20:00The 10 Best Video Games of 2024 The best video games of 2024, from 'Lego Horizon Adventures' to 'Neva'05.12.2024 20:06Donald Trump and Pete Hegseth Have the Same Enemies He, too, wants to fight the �enemy within.�05.12.2024 20:08How NYPD Is Using Cameras to Help Find Brian Thompson�s Killer The prelude, the crime and the aftermath were all caught on video. But investigators will need to use human intelligence to find the person who gunned down an insurance company�s chief executive.05.12.2024 20:10China's defense chief appears in public amid reports of graft probe - Nikkei Asia 05.12.2024 20:20Mort du po?te et math?maticien Jacques Roubaud DISPARITION : L�auteur est d?c?d? ce jeudi matin ? l�?ge de 92 ans, a annonc? la maison d�?dition Gallimard. Laur?at du Goncourt de la po?sie en 2021, il laisse une ?uvre foisonnante et unique, diffus?e ? travers le monde.05.12.2024 20:20Deadly Israeli Strike Hits Gaza Humanitarian Zone The Israeli military said it was targeting senior Hamas militants in the area. Video from the scene showed the charred remains of tents.05.12.2024 20:26Taiwan travel startup KKday raises $70m for Asian expansion - Nikkei Asia 05.12.2024 20:27P?re de famille attaqu? au couteau ? la foire de No?l de Cannes : deux mineurs laiss?s libres sous contr?le judiciaire La victime, ?g?e de 36 ans, s�?tait interpos?e entre sa fille de sept ans et les suspects qui venaient de la bousculer.05.12.2024 20:29How Trump Targeted Undecided Voters Without Breaking the Bank The Trump team had a huge financial disadvantage. It made up for it with a strategic innovation that allowed it to narrow the focus of its ad dollars.05.12.2024 20:34France�s Macron to address the nation after Barnier submits resignation Macron asked Barnier and his government to continue in a caretaker capacity 'until the appointment of a new government'.05.12.2024 20:34France�s Macron pledges to stay in office until end of term The French president says he will appoint a new prime minister in 'coming days' after lawmakers toppled the government.05.12.2024 20:37Death and Taxes We explain why the estate tax isn�t working.05.12.2024 20:49Meet the Polish pro-Palestinian artist challenging taboos about Israel Artist Igor Dobrowolski is ensuring pro-Palestinian messages have a place in Poland.05.12.2024 20:52Mercosur : Ursula von der Leyen serait sur le point de finaliser l�accord malgr? la vive opposition d�Emmanuel Macron �Nous continuerons de d?fendre sans rel?che notre souverainet? agricole�, a indiqu? la pr?sidence fran?aise alors que la pr?sidente de la Commission europ?enne est arriv?e ce jeudi en Uruguay.05.12.2024 20:52Jeff Bezos �tr?s optimiste� pour le second mandat de Donald Trump, malgr? des ann?es de querelles Le fondateur d�Amazon se dit pr?t ? �aider� le pr?sident ?lu des ?tats-Unis ? d?r?guler le pays. Les deux hommes s�?taient pourtant oppos?s ? de nombreuses reprises durant un premier mandat tumultueux.05.12.2024 20:52Centrafrique: une statue d�Evgu?ni Prigojine, ex-patron de Wagner, inaugur?e ? Bangui L�inauguration de la statue d�Evgueni Prigojine, morts dans un crash d�avion en 2023, a ?t? c?l?br?e en pr?sence du ministre de la D?fense et du chef d�?tat-major des arm?es et �s�inscrit dans le cadre de la relation bilat?rale� entre la RCA et la Russie.05.12.2024 20:55Bitcoin tops $100,000 as monster 2024 rally reaches new heights Bitcoin had been widely expected to reach $100,000 since the U.S. presidential election but investors sent it to this mark much sooner than expected. 05.12.2024 20:58Pete Hegseth and His �Battle Cry� for a New Christian Crusade The veteran picked to lead the Defense Department has praised the brutal religious military campaigns of the past and has called for a Christian approach to governing.05.12.2024 21:01Europe stocks rise; Euro climbs against U.S. dollar; Shell, Equinor announce joint UK venture French financial markets are in focus after Prime Minister Michel Barnier's government was toppled in a vote of no-confidence Wednesday.05.12.2024 21:08For Macron, Notre-Dame�s Reopening Offers Respite From Political Crisis The 860-year-old cathedral has been repaired in a time frame many thought impossible. But rather than basking in success, President Emmanuel Macron is mired in political crisis.05.12.2024 21:20U.S. investor APL plans $2bn data centers in Japan's Fukuoka - Nikkei Asia 05.12.2024 21:25Alibaba-backed Xreal launches augmented reality glasses with new chip as Meta rivalry heats up Xreal is betting on glasses, rather than headsets like Apple's Vision Pro or the Meta Quest, to be the mass-market winners in augmented reality.05.12.2024 21:27World�s Priciest Dinosaur Fossil Comes to Museum of Natural History The billionaire Kenneth C. Griffin, who bought the stegosaurus fossil for $44.6 million, is loaning it to the American Museum of Natural History in New York for four years.05.12.2024 21:29Gazans With Disabilities Face �Impossible Times� of Chaos and War A family fled carrying a 9-year-old girl for hours on their backs. Sisters with visual impairments pleaded for help as Israeli airstrikes fell. �It�s a nightmare,� one wheelchair user said.05.12.2024 21:29The Most Stylish People of 2024 Our Styles desk sees �style� more broadly than the way people dress. It�s your mannerisms, the way you conduct yourself, the way you move through the world. Anthony Rotunno, a fashion news editor for The New York Times, walks us through just some of the people � and surprises � on this year�s most stylish people list.05.12.2024 21:29French Prime Minister Michel Barnier to Stay as Caretaker for Now. What Happens Next? Prime Minister Michel Barnier lost a no-confidence vote in Parliament on Wednesday. President Emmanuel Macron will choose a replacement, though when that will happen is unclear.05.12.2024 21:30Israel wants to continue war on Gaza, but to what end? US political scientist Stephen Zunes argues that the only way to stop Israeli war crimes is to change US policy. 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