| 13.09.2024 18:21Olympics: Organizers boast strong ticket sales for Paris Games A record 9.56 million tickets were sold for the Paris Olympics while the Paralympics achieved their second-highest ticket sales of 2.58 million, the local organizing committee said Friday.
Both sets of final numbers represent about 95 percent of tickets that went on sale. The games were a success in all aspects, Tony Estanguet, head of the committee, told a press conference in Saint-Denis, just outside Paris.
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Actuellement en garde ? vue pour homicide involontaire, Koba LaD a d?j? fait face ? la justice ? de multiples reprises.13.09.2024 18:51?tats-Unis : les images saisissantes dun choc entre un train et... un char dassaut VID?O - Ce jeudi 12 septembre, un train a percut? un imposant v?hicule militaire ? Goose Creek, en Caroline du Sud.13.09.2024 18:52Russland: Hat ein Putin-kritischer Oligarch ein Attentat auf eine Mitstreiter von Alexey Nawalny ver?ben lassen? Auf einen Mitstreiter Alexej Nawalnys wurde ein Anschlag ver?bt. Der Auftrag dazu soll ausgerechnet von einem kremlkritischen ... 13.09.2024 18:52Brandenburg-Wahl: Michael Kretschmer ?berrascht SPD mit Wahlkampfgeschenk Sachsens Ministerpr?sident macht seinem Brandenburger SPD-Kollegen ein Wahlkampfgeschenk - auf Kosten der eigenen Partei. ... 13.09.2024 18:53Alex Morgan beendet ihre Karriere, ihr Kampf f?r Gleichstellung wird weitergehen F?r das US-Nationalteam erzielte Alex Morgan 123 Tore, die Fu?ballerin ist eine Legende. 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And the new Apple Watch can detect sleep apnea. 13.09.2024 19:34Banksy artwork recovered after two men charged with theft Banky's 'Girl with Balloon' was stolen from a London gallery on Sunday night. The Metropolitan Police force said the two suspects would be detained until a hearing on October 19:35Biden speaks at brunch in celebration of Black excellence Watch live coverage as President Biden delivers remarks at a brunch in celebration of Black excellence at the White House.13.09.2024 19:38Ligue 1 : Marquinhos reconduit capitaine du PSG Le Br?silien a ?t? ?lu capitaine du club de la capitale par ses co?quipiers.13.09.2024 19:38U.S. to file charges in Trump campaign hacking case, officials say The Justice Department plans to file criminal charges in the hacking of Donald Trumps presidential campaign, two law enforcement officials told NBC News.13.09.2024 19:38Disneyland Paris veut recruter 7000 salari?s pour ses attractions, h?tels et restaurants Le parc dattractions de Marne-la-Vall?e propose plusieurs sessions de recrutement en France et ? l?tranger, avec des postes ? pourvoir en CDI mais aussi en CDD, de deux semaines ? plusieurs mois.13.09.2024 19:39The Mortal American Dream of Alberto Casta?eda Aco He spent years stitching together shirts, trousers and relationships with the children he had once left behind. It all unraveled on a busy street in Los Angeles.13.09.2024 19:40Papst Franziskus reist um die Welt: Warum tut er sich diese Strapazen an? Mit 87 Jahren tourt Papst Franziskus noch um die Welt. Am Freitag kehrt er von einer Reise nach Indonesien, Papua-Neuguinea, ... 13.09.2024 19:54Why the Fight for Control Over the Philadelphi Corridor? The increasingly bitter dispute has not just affected cease-fire talks but also destabilized a once-strong security partnership between Egypt and Israel.13.09.2024 19:582 Men Are Charged With Stealing a Famous Banksy Artwork from a London Gallery The Metropolitan Police force said two men took Girl with Balloon" from the Grove Gallery on Sunday night.13.09.2024 19:59Diplomacy Over Ukraine War Is About Bolstering Forces For both Ukraine and Russia, battlefield gains now might provide an upper hand in any negotiations later. Thats reflected in their discussions over arms with allies. 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