| 04.02.2025 20:17A thousand days of Israeli impunity, still no justice for Shireen Abu Akleh A full 1,000 days since Israel killed Shireen Abu Akleh, no one has been held accountable despite efforts for justice. 04.02.2025 20:20 New Syrian Leader Meets Erdogan in Turkey Its the first meeting of Syrias interim president, Ahmed al-Shara, and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Turkey has military posts in Syria and hosts millions of Syrian refugees. 04.02.2025 20:21 Lucy Letby murder convictions: what did the expert panel find? Group concludes babies died due to natural causes or errors in medical care, saying there was no evidence of deliberate harm A distinguished panel of paediatric specialists and neonatologists was convened by Dr Shoo Lee, professor ... ... 04.02.2025 20:27In West Bank, Israel denies Jenin families right to bury loved ones at home China is quick to act when US tariffs on its imports go into effect, but experts say it's leaving room for negotiation. 04.02.2025 20:30 Panama drops Belt and Road agreement with China after US pressure On Monday, the new US secretary of state, Marco Rubio, witnessed the deportation, from Panama, of illegal Colombian migrants attempting to reach the United States. 04.02.2025 20:32 Digging in to construction of how tunnels are built There are 570 highway tunnels in the United States just for large roads. Nehemiah Mabry, an engineer and CEO of Stem Media joins "CBS Mornings Plus" to discuss how they get built. 04.02.2025 20:34Food prices skyrocket in DR Congos Goma after M23 takeover NGO ActionAid and locals say cost of some items has risen between 18% and 160% as conflict blocks aid and supplies. 04.02.2025 20:36 Lawsuit Accuses Neil Gaiman of Sexual Assault Facilitated by His Wife Scarlett Pavlovich, who accused Mr. Gaiman of rape and assault in a report last month, said in the suit that his wife had played a role in procuring and presenting her. 04.02.2025 20:41 Study finds growing levels of microplastics in human brains Human brains contain higher concentrations of microplastics than other organs, according to a new study, and the amount appears to be increasing over time. 04.02.2025 20:43 JO 2030: un concours dego, Fillon Maillet fustige les guerres politiques pour la pr?sidence du Cojo Le biathl?te Quentin Fillon Maillet na pas cach? son agacement mardi, au lendemain de lannonce du retrait de Martin Fourcade en vue de la pr?sidence du comit? dorganisation des JO dhiver 2030. 04.02.2025 20:47 Devant lAssembl?e nationale, Bruno Retailleau et Laurent Nu?ez chantent La Marseillaise avec des policiers en col?re VID?O - Le ministre de lInt?rieur Bruno Retailleau sest rendu mardi 4 f?vrier ? un rassemblement de policiers devant lAssembl?e nationale. 04.02.2025 20:48 What to expect from Trump meeting with Netanyahu as fragile Gaza ceasefire continues President Trump is meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Tuesday as Israel and Hamas continue to hold their shaky ceasefire in Gaza. CBS News foreign correspondent Chris Livesay has more. 04.02.2025 20:48 Trumps Thomas Cromwell Is Waiting in the Wings Russell Vought views American politics as a life-or-death struggle between the God-fearing right and a malevolent, secular left. 04.02.2025 20:49 Five people shot at a school in Sweden Five people were shot at a school for adults in the city of ?rebro in central Sweden, Swedish police said Tuesday. 04.02.2025 20:50 How Trump Is Reshaping U.S. Government, Just 2 Weeks Into His Presidency The new president has left virtually no corner of the nations capital untouched in a wide-ranging effort to tear down the federal government and refashion it to his liking. 04.02.2025 20:54 23% des Fran?ais estiment quils ne sont pas pr?ts ? ?changer avec des personnes diff?rentes deux, selon un sondage L?dition de 2025 du barom?tre de la Fraternit? r?v?le que seulement 12% des Fran?ais placent la fraternit? comme premi?re valeur de la R?publique. 04.02.2025 20:54 Invit?s par Karine Le Marchand, les patrons de la grande distribution vont sexpliquer au Salon de lAgriculture Cinq enseignes de supermarch?s veulent tenir une conf?rence de presse fin f?vrier pour faire des annonces communes et convaincre de leur soutien aux agriculteurs. 04.02.2025 20:55 Le S?nat adopte la proposition de loi contre le narcotrafic Cette loi pr?voit notamment la cr?ation dun parquet sp?cialis? et compl?te larsenal r?pressif contre le trafic de drogue. 04.02.2025 20:55 Stand de tir ? Marseille : apr?s plusieurs plaintes, lassociation qui g?re le site depuis 1976 sur le d?part Au terme dune assembl?e g?n?rale, la ligue de tir de Provence a fait le choix dabandonner la gestion du stand de tir des Trois-Lucs, quelle occupait depuis 49 ans. Le stand est dans le viseur des autorit?s pour des motifs de s?curit?. 04.02.2025 20:57 Trump and Netanyahu Meeting Is Expected to Focus on Gaza Cease-Fire The president will welcome the Israeli prime minister to the White House for his first in-person meeting with another world leader since returning to power. 04.02.2025 21:00 Bill Gates confirms he has a serious girlfriend, reflects on divorce from Melinda French Gates Bill Gates says his divorce from Melinda French Gates is his biggest regret, but he's moved on and is enjoying spending time with his girlfriend Paula Hurd. 04.02.2025 21:01 Viols de Mazan : le proc?s en appel se tiendra du 6 octobre au 21 novembre ? N?mes Dominique Pelicot, condamn? ? 20 ans de r?clusion criminelle, ne sera pas rejug? et sera seulement pr?sent comme t?moin, nayant pas fait appel, contrairement ? 17 de ses 50 coaccus?s. 04.02.2025 21:11 ?tats-Unis : Robert Kennedy Jr. passe un obstacle cl? ? sa confirmation comme ministre de la Sant? de Donald Trump ? 71 ans, RFK Jr. doit prendre la t?te dun minist?re employant plus de 80.000 personnes avec pour programme de rendre ? lAm?rique sa sant?. 04.02.2025 21:16 The U.S. Economy Is Racing Ahead. Almost Everything Else Is Falling Behind. The gap between Americans prosperity and quality of life has grown since the 1990s. 04.02.2025 21:16 Il ne faut pas c?der ? la panique : les images des ?vacuations massives de Santorin, frapp?e par des centaines de s?ismes Un ballet de ferries a ?vacu? des insulaires et des touristes de Santorin, frapp?e par de multiples s?ismes. Pr?s de 6000 personnes ont d?j? fui l?le depuis dimanche. 04.02.2025 21:18 Affaire Abb? Pierre : aucune enqu?te ne sera ouverte en France, annonce le parquet Le parquet de Paris a fait savoir mardi que laction publique ?tait ?teinte par le d?c?s du mis en cause en 2007 en ce qui le concernait personnellement, et prescrite en ce qui aurait ?ventuellement pu concerner des non-d?nonciations de faits. 04.02.2025 21:19 Waffle House announces $0.50 surcharge on eggs because of bird flu Waffle House announced it will be adding a $0.50 surcharge to all egg items on the menu sold at its more than 2,000 locations because of soaring egg prices caused by the bird flu. 04.02.2025 21:20 Vance to attend global AI summit in Paris for first international trip as VP JD Vance is traveling to the Artificial Intelligence Action Summit in Paris for his first international trip as vice president. 04.02.2025 21:22Medical experts dispute evidence in Lucy Letbys baby killing conviction Lucy Letby is serving 15 life sentences for seven baby deaths at neonatal units between 2015-16. 04.02.2025 21:26 Netanyahu and Trump to meet at White House today President Donald Trump on Tuesday will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the first foreign leader to meet with Trump in his second term. 04.02.2025 21:26 Is gold a better short- or long-term investment now? Traditionally a promising long-term investment, gold can offer short-term gains with the right approach. 04.02.2025 21:29 Mexique: le gouvernement commence ? d?ployer 10.000 soldats ? la fronti?re avec les ?tats-Unis On a d?j? commenc? ? envoyer (les militaires), a d?clar? mardi la pr?sidente mexicaine lors de sa conf?rence de presse matinale. Страницы: 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 |