Additional working equipment of motor grader DZ-98B
For extending the field of application of the motor graders is provided the following inter- changeable additional equipment:1) scarifier;
2) bulldozing equipment;
3) scarifying equipment;
4) tracklaying equipment;
5) snow removal equipment.
All kinds of additional working equipment are placed on the head of motor grader main frame and all kinds are interchangeable besides the scarifier.

1- cover;
2,8- pins;
3- frame;
4- tip;
5- pin;
6- tooth;
7- tooth wedge;
9- cotter pin;
10- lower tie;
11- upper tie;
12- washer;
13- ring
The scarifier presents the cast-in frame 3, in windows of which are inserted five teeth 6 with changeable tips 4. The scarifier is attached to the main frame head of motor grader with the help of tie-rods 10 and 11 and with the help of rod eyes to the lifting and lowering hydraulic cylinder.

The bulldozing equipment consists of blade 5 and suspension with pushing frame 1, tie-rods 2 and a lifting and lowering hydraulic cylinder 3.

1) laying and maintenance of roads;
2) grading on terrain;
3) removing of snow on roads and off roads with snow depth of 1,2 m;
4) cutting of bushes;
5) excavating of pits.
The tracklay ing equipment blade consists of three main parts: center blade 1 and two wings 2, which are hinged with blade.
The center blade is connected through rod eyes with the hydraulic cylinder 4 rod, with the help of which the blade is lifted and lowered.
Blade wings by means of two hydraulic cylinder 3 can be mounted in tracklaying, bulldozing and right or left grading position. If necessary, one wigh can be in tracklaying position, and other wigh-in bulldozing position. Turn of wings about vertical axis is performed when the rods of hydraulic cylinder 3 are extended.
The tracklaying equipment suspension is analogous with the bulldozing and scarifying equipment suspension.

The conic form of the front plate of the blade allows at the low speeds to clean a roadbed from the snow by moving it aside at the motor grader longitudinal travel.
At the increased speeds of travel the snow is throwing aside spreading at this for the distance up to 15m that causes the absent of snow banks along the roadbed.